Strategic Management


Flashcards on Strategic Management, created by tamsi1210 on 10/09/2015.
Flashcards by tamsi1210, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tamsi1210 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Multinational Management Formulation of strategies & design of management Systems to take Advantage of international opportunities and respond to international threats
MNC Multinational Company Company with Business functions beyond its domestic borders
developed countries Mature economy, high GDP, high Levels of trade and investment
developing countries countries with economies that have grown extremely in the past two decades
Transition economies Changing from government controlled economic systems to free market or capitalistic systems
Emerging markets between developping and developed countries and rapidly growing
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Tariff negotiations between nations that reduced average worldwide tariff on manufactured goods
WTO World Trade Organization negotiations to reduce trade barriers
NAFTA APEC North American Free Trade Agreement Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
FDI Foreign Direct Investment Multinational firms ownership in part / whole of an Operation in another country
Global mindset Managers must think globally and act locally
Strategy Maneuvers/ Actions to sustain and increase organizational performance
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