Second Reich to Third Reich Political Figures


History Flashcards on Second Reich to Third Reich Political Figures, created by Veleka Georgieva on 10/11/2013.
Veleka Georgieva
Flashcards by Veleka Georgieva, updated more than 1 year ago
Veleka Georgieva
Created by Veleka Georgieva almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Wilhelm 2 (1859-1941) 1888-1918 - the last German emperor (Kaiser)
Hindenburg (1847-1934) Junker general; 1914 - commander of Germany's forces on the Eastern Front; 1916 - supreme commander of Germany's army; 1925-1934 - Germany's president
Ludendorff -1916 - Hindenburg's second-in-command;1916-1918 - along with Hindenburg established virtual military dictatorship in Germany
Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925) leading moderate Social Democrat;1918-1919 - dominant figure in the six-man socialist government; 1919 - became the first German president; capable and well-intended but uncharismatic
Hugenberg (1865-1951) 1928 - leader of the Nationalsit Party; 1929 - led the right wing campaign against the Young Plan;1933 - Minister of Economics and Agriculture
Gustav Stresemann (1878-1920) moderate conservative; 1914-1918 - moved to the right; German People's Party (DVP); 1919 - voted against the Constitution; initially monarchist, later makes peace with the Republic; pragmatist; 1926 - awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize
Ernst Thalmann (1886-1944) 1920s - leader of the Comunists; turned KPD into Stalinist party; 1922 - survived assassination attempt by the Organisation Consul; 1933 - imprisoned by the Nazis; 1944 - murdered by the Nazis
Gregor Strasser (1892-1934) 1920s - NSDAP's most important leader after Hitler; highly educated, served as an officer in the trenche sin the war, successful businessman; "German Socialism" - anti-capitalist programme; Hitler was jealous of him
Josef Goebbles (1897-1945) master propagandist of Nazism; disciple of Gregor Strasser -> after the Bamberg Conference (1926) - one of Hitler's most devoted followers; 1926 - Gauleiter of Berlin; 1933 - Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment; one of the most poisonous Nazi leaders
Kurt von Schleicher (1882-1934) army general; the army's political spokesman; shrewd and imaginative; over-ambitious, manipulative, untrustworthy; December 1932 - appointed Chancellor
Heinrich Bruning (1885-1970) trained economist; conservative right winger of the Centre Party; 1924-1933 - Reichstag member; 1930 - appointed Chancellor (chairman of the Centre PArty's representative group in the Reichstag); after Hitler came to power, left Germany -> USA; became university professor
Franz von Papen (1979-1969) WWI - junoir army officer; expelled from USA for spying; 1921-1932 - member of the Prussian state parliament; June 1932-Dec 1932 - Chancellor
Ernst Rohm (1887-1934) army officer; 1919 - fighter in one of the Free Corps; 1920 - joined the Nazis; 1923 - took part in the Munich Putsch; mercenary in South Africa; 1931 - head of SA; under his leadership, SA quickly grew in size; wild, undisciplined
Gertrud Schlotz-Klink (1902-1999) the highest-ranking female political figure in Hitler's Germany; 1934 - leader of all National Socialist women; had little real power
Baldur con Schirach (1907-1974) - son of upper-class Germany father and wealthy American mother - Reich Youth Leader -1941 - removed from the post -1941-1945 - Gauleiter of Vienna
Hjalmar Schacht (1877-1970) Germany's inter-war financial wizard; 1923 - played key role in establishing Germany's currency; became Reich currency commissioner; president of Germany's national bank until 1930; 1933 - appointed chief of Germany's national bank by the Nazis; 1934 - 'New Plan'; 1934-1937 - Minister of Economics; never joined the Nazi party; 1944 - arrested and sent to a concentration camp on suspicion of involvement in a plot to kill Hitler
Herman Goering (1893-1946) Hitler's second-in-command; fighter pilot in the 1914-1918 war; one of the more popular Nazi leaders; corrupt and vain; 1935 - Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (Germany's air force); responsible for implementing the Four-Year Plan
Claus von Stauffenberg (1907-1944) career soldier, saw wartime service in France, Russia and North Africa; received several awards for bravery; seriously wounded; military planner; after 1941 - sickened by the Nazis and their treatment of Jews and other civilians in Russia
Albert Speer (1905-1981) 1931 - joined the Nazi party; 1930s - Hitler's personal architect; member of Hitler's inner circle; worked on plans to rebuild Berlin ('Germania');1942 - Armaments Minister
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