Nutrition Keywords


Learn the keywords.
Clare Byrne
Flashcards by Clare Byrne, updated more than 1 year ago
Clare Byrne
Created by Clare Byrne almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Keywords • Nutrition • Element • Carbohydrates • Food • Balanced Diet • Vitamins • Wellbeing • Protein • Minerals • Nutrient • Fat • Water
Can you name any of the nutrients? • Protein • Fats • Carbohydrates • Vitamins • Minerals • Water
What nutrient is very good for your bones and teeth? Vitamin D
What did you have for breakfast? What nutrients were in your breakfast? Do you know the function of this nutrient? __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Nutrient The study of food - its composition and the amounts needed for the body, and its effects on the body.
Food Any substance, solid or liquid that contains nutrients.
Nutrient • Any substance that can be digested and used by the body. • All nutrients are made up of elements.
Element The simplest form of a substance.
Balanced Diet A diet containing all of the nutrients in the correct amount for the needs of the body.
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance
GDA Guideline Daily Amount
Composition Elements that make up the nutrient and how they are arranged within the nutrient.
Classification How nutrients are divided into groups and classes.
Sources Foods where the nutrients are found.
Functions What the nutrient does in the body.
Deficiency Disease A condition or illness resulting from lack of nutrient.
Macronutrients • They are measured in grams. • Nutrients required in large amounts. For example; • Proteins • Fats • Carbohydrates
Micronutrients • They are measured in milligrams and micrograms. • They nutrients required in small amounts. For example; • Vitamins • Minerals
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