Flash cards history


Flash cards of key words
Flashcards by jasuppalozil, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jasuppalozil almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Marxism Analyses class relation, created by Karl Marx and involves Marxist cycle which always ends in communism
Proletariat Another word used describe working class
Bourgeoisie Another word used to describe middle class
Intelligentsia Also another word used to describe workers
Capitalism Used to show that the world runs by money and a market
Socialism State owns everything and is to provide a service not to make profit
Bolshevik Wanted to skip capitalism in Marxist cycle and wanted a revolt now, didn't work well with others and professional revolutionaries
Menshevik Wanted to complete whole cycle and wait for a revolution, professional revolutionary and prepared to work with others
Socialist revolutionaries Represented the poor, part of provisional government
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