Phobias And OCD


A-Level Psychology Flashcards on Untitled, created by owen.strafford on 11/16/2015.
Flashcards by owen.strafford, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by owen.strafford almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is a phobia ? a phobia is a intense, persistent, irrational fear that occur in response to specific objects or situations.
name some behavioural characteristics of a phobia ? -panic, -crying, -screaming, -running away.
name some emotional characteristics of a phobia ? -anxiety, -cannot relax, -fear.
name some cognitive characteristics of a phobia ? -selective attention, -irrational beliefs, -cognitive distortion.
what is the behavioural approach to phobias ? it believes that phobias are learned.
how do you get a phobia ? phobias come about through a traumatic event via classical conditioning. This is where a innate reflex (fear response) become paired with other neutral stimuli through association.
why is a phobia consistent? operant conditioning makes a phobia consistent. this where we learn the consequences of our actions. Avoiding the phobia brings feeling of relief, so avoidance is a negative reinforcer.
what was Mowrer's study about phobias ? he sounded a buzzer that gave a rat an electric shock. after the association was made he then trained the rat to escape the sound of the buzzer, therefore the negative reinforce was made.
what is systematic desensitisation ? it is a technique used by therapist to treat phobias, it uses the principle of classical conditioning to cure the patient by teaching them to relax in the presence of the phobia. (relaxation and working through an anxiety hierarchy)
what is flooding ? this is used to treat phobias and involves the patient being exposed to the phobic object at a maximum strength. it works because when the patient feels maximum anxiety the see their fear is irrational.
what is OCD ? a range of related disorders which share the common features of repetitive behaviour accompanied by obsessive thinking.
name some behavioural characteristics of OCD ? -repetitive compulsion, -avoidance of situations.
name some emotional characteristics of OCD ? -fear, -anxiety, -low mood, -guilt.
name some cognitive characteristics of OCD ? -unpleasant obsessive thoughts, -catastrophic thoughts.
what is the genetic explanation for OCD ? OCD seems to run in families suggesting that a genetic vulnerability must be involved. Both twin/families studies and more modern gene mapping has indicated gene involvement.
how does dopamine effect OCD ? a variation of the COMT gene which leads to higher levels of dopamine production has been found more common in OCD sufferers.
how does abnormal brain circuits effect OCD sufferers ? there is evidence from PET scans the people with OCD have areas of abnormality within their brains. t
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