Biology 1.2 Classification


biology for Cambridge IGCSE unit 1
daisy williams
Flashcards by daisy williams, updated more than 1 year ago
daisy williams
Created by daisy williams almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the two names given for each species in the binomial system? The genus and the trivial name
What is a species? A species is a group of individual, living in the same habitat that breed
What is the mnemonic for the seven characteristics? M- movement R- respiration S- sensitivity G- growth R- reproduction E- excretion N- nutrition
What is a phyla? Each kingdom is subdivided into groups known as phyla
What are Invertebrates? Invertebrates are animals without a vertebral column (backbone)
What are the three invertebrate phyla? Nematodes, Annelids, Molluscs
What is a Nematode? Nematodes or Roundworms have thread-like bodies that taper at mouth and anus. no obvious head or legs. Their bodies are not made up of segments.
What is a Annelid? Annelids are worms with soft bodies made up of segments. Most live in he sea but some live in the soil and in fresh water.
What is a Mollusc? Molluscs have soft bodies that are not segmented. They have a muscular 'foot' for movement. Most have one or two shells for protection.
What is the binomial system? When organisms are given scientific names to avoid confusion. Eg: human = homo sapien meerkat = suricata suricatta
What is an Arthropod? Arthropods are segmented animals. jointed legs and exoskeleton.
What are the four different classes for Arthropods? Crustaceans, Myriapods, Insects and Arachnids.
What is a Crustacean? Crustaceans have a body divided into a cephalothorax (head-thorax) and abdomen. Have a chalky exoskeleton that provides protection. Have two pairs of antennae and compound eyes. Breath using gills. Eg. Crabs, Shrimp or Lobsters
What is a Myriapod? Their bodies are not divided into separate regions such as the thorax and abdomen. Some have one pair of legs on each segment. They are fast moving carnivores. They have powerful jaws and can paralyse their prey. Eg: Centipedes and Millipedes.
What is a Insect? Insects have bodies divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. Many species have wings. They breathe through holes in the side of the thorax and abdomen called spiracles. Eg: Beetles, Moths and Dragonflies.
What is a Arachnid? Bodies divided into three parts, the cephalothorax and abdomen. they have four pairs of legs and no wings. they have no antennae but they do have several, not compound, eyes. Some can spin webs with their spinnerets. Eg: Spiders, Ticks and Mites.
What is a Vertebrate? Animals that have a vertebral column or backbone.
What five classes are Vertebrates divided into? Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
What is a Fish? They are streamline and have fins for swimming and for balance. They have eyes and a lateral line for detecting pressure changes in the water. Their skin is covered in scales. Eg: Tuna, Herrings and Sharks
What is a Amphibian? They have smooth, moist skin. Most live on land, they return to water to breed. On land they breath using their lungs but when in water they breath with their skin. Eg: Frogs, Toads and Salamander
What is a Reptile? They have dry, scaly skin to cut down water loss. Reptiles have lungs to breathe air. Eg: Crocodiles, Lizards and Snakes
What is a Bird? They have feathers and their front limbs are modified as wings. They have no teeth but different species have beaks adapted to deal with different types of food. They are homoeothermic (warm-blooded). Eg: Hawks, Eagles and Sparrows.
What is a Mammal? They are vertebrates that have hair or fur. All mammals use lungs for breathing. All mammals are homoeothermic. Eg: Bats, Dolphins, and Wolves
What do Monocotyledons have in their seeds and leaves with parallel veins? They have one Cotyledon
What are flowering plants? Flowering plants are multicellular.
What are the cells surrounded by in Flowering plant cells and those in Leaves? Cellulose cell wall and some stems, Chloroplast.
What do Dicotyledons have? They have two Cotyledons and broad leaves witha netword of branching veins
Why are flowering plants Green in colour? Because their cells contain Chloroplasts which contain the green pigment of chlorophyll.
What does Chlorophyll do? It absorbs light for photosythesis
What does xylem vessels do? they carry water mineral salts.
What does Phloem tubes do? They transport dissolved food.
what is the Apical bud? its the part where the stem grows new leaves.
Roots contain Chlorophyll, True or False? False
What does the root do? it anchors the plant into the ground and prevents it being blown over by the wind. They also absorb water and mineral ions from the soil.
What are Dichotomous Keys used for? they are used to identify organisms, such as plants and animals.
What does a Dichotomous Key include? a series of paired statements or questions which lead to and identification. It means dividing into two.
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