Social Psych Final


Social Psych Final
Flashcards by Esther-M.B, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Esther-M.B almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
What is conformity? A change in behavior due to other people's influence
What makes us conform? The need to know what's right
What is private acceptance? You believe you are wrong and that others are right, so you rely on them
What's public compliance? Just going with it
What are 3 ways that we conform to informational social influence? -When the situation is ambiguous - When the situation is a crisis -When we are faced with an expert
Why do we conform? Because of Normative social influence
Why does NSI make us conform? We want to be accepted. We don't want to stand out. We want to adhere to a group
What are 4 situations when conformity is most effective? -When the gr. has >3 people -When the gr. is important to us -When the gr. is culturally motivated -When the gr. is unanimous
What is compliance? Give exemple I.D Consequence -A request to change or maintain one's behavior -Rules that we must follow -Can lead to mindless conformity
What is Mindless conformity? Obeying internalized social norms, no questions asked
What were Milgram's findings on conformity to authority? -What happened in Germany can occur in the U.S -People are powerful social models
What is Anger? Emotional response to perceiving our basic boundaries as violated
What is aggression? A behavior aimed at threatning or hurting a person
What is Violence? Anger+Aggression Stems from anger and makes one aim at inflicting harm
What are the two types of aggression? Instrumental: no anger involved Hostile: involves anger
What does history tell us about aggression? -Nazi created industrial H. killing machines -War = Instrumental form of aggression
How does Instrumental aggression differ from Relational? -I: aims at reaching goal. no anger involved -R: Aims at harming someone by manipulating their relationships with others
What are two types pf relational aggression? -Proactive: Means to reaching goals -Reactive: Retaliation to provovation
What is Hobbes perception on Aggression? We are brutes who must be curbed by the law (State has that power)
What is Rousseaux's perception on Aggression? -We are born good at heart, and made bad by the suppression of certain aspects of our existence -Support the needs of the people and violence will decrease
What is Freud's perception on Aggression? Thanatos: we kill to preserve our own peace
What is Freud's Hydraulic theory? [-Built up emotions cause pressure] -If it's not released, we may self destruct (ex: alcoholism)
What have animal studies concluded about aggression among humans? - We can unlearn aggressive behavior -Aggressive behavior -If we can't find a scapegoat for our aggression, we turn on ourselves
What conclusions about aggression have been drawn thanks to various cultures? -Humans don't initiate aggressive behavior: we respond to it -Different cultures=Different levels of aggression
What are situational causes for aggression? -Increase in testosterone = increase in violent behavior -Alcohol decreases inhibition for certain behavior= Aggression increases -Pain and discomfort increase aggressive behavior
Situational Cause for Aggression: what is the furstration agression theory? Having a goal that you can't meet increases frustration and therefore aggression
Situational Cause for Aggression: what is the link with aggressive objects? Aggressive objects give rise to new possibilities of actions - that's the [aggressive stimulus hypothesis]
What does social influence teach us about aggression among kids? -They adopt behavior they observe -They can be influenced by violence in the media -There is a correlation between violence among kids and the media (not a causation link)
What factor onfluenced the behavior of the subjects in the "Stanford Prison Experiment" The legitimizing ideology: The elements that made it seem legit
How to reduce aggression? -Avoid severe punishment -Take domestic violence seriously
How to reduce anger? -Be aware of what the emotion says to you -Apologize -Set example for kids: don't be aggressive -Talk about what makes you angry -Build empathy
What is the difference between stereotype, prejudice and discrimination? -stereotype: A thought r/a a particular group. neither GorB -prejudice: Negative feeling towards pple of a particular gr. -discrimination: negative tx of people because they belong to a gr.
What are the causes of prejudice (1) ? -The way we think: Potentially inaccurate cognitive heuristic -Th way we feel: When emotionally engaged , we overlook rationality (Attitudes) -Our beliefs (Which only have truth value):
When does the way we think, in relation to prejudice, become problematic? When the in-group-bias (treat those who belong to in-group,positively. Opposite for those who belong to out-group) brings us to discriminate
What are the causes of prejudice (2) ? - Attributional biases: Explain out-group behavior in a way that perpetuates the stereotype -Realistic conflict theory: Lmtd resources lead to conflicts between groups -Normative rules: Modern conformity (ex: being politically correct)
How does the ultimate attributio error apply to prejudice? -Associate dispositional attributions for out-group's negative behavior -Associate situational attributions for out-group's positive behavior
What are the three effects of prejudice? -Self-fulfilling prophecy: Expect-Act-Obtain consistent response -Stereotype Threat: Feeling a stereotype like a spotlight -Self-Blame attributions of discrimination: even if we're being discriminated against
What are 4 ways to reduce stereotype? -Revise stereotypical beliefs (Conversion model Stereo. is challenged) (Subtyping model 1 in between) -Get educated -Contact hypotheses: Force Interdependence -Cooperation: increase cooperation
What is the Collective They-Self The theory whereby our being is not our own: We adhere to a shared set of public practices (We do like everyone else)
What dstinguishes Ontic from Ontological? Ontic: (Description) Refers to the structure of an individual Ontological: (Interpretation based on experiment) Refers to the meaning of an individual
Wha it the relationship between ontic and ontological? Ontic is the root of onological
What is Heidegger's being-in-the-world theory? Our ways of being are shared with everyone else *though fixed socio-spacio-temporally*
What is the They-Self according to Heidegger? A state in which you are bound to the mode of being of others *We do things because they are the common way of doing them*
What does Ponty identify as the Lived-Body? The way an object comes alive in our perception
What is Ponty's Opinion on human behavior? It can only be understood by analyzing the meaning and intentional structure of an action
What is the Lived-Body Ask Zadrag
What is the bodily perceived lived world? Some things, in our perception, become meaningful to us. They aren't just things anymore. They have a story
Define the bodily percieived lives social World of others? Experimenting something and suddenly being aware of all the other people experiencing the same thing. *Understanding other people's body through one's own*
What advantage does the upright posture and the presence of arms give Men? The sense that They are more powerful *On the contrary, Vertical posture indicates vulnerability*
What does the vertebral column represent in the Man's upright position? -An architectural column. -What sets us appart from other primates
What does the skyscraper tell us about the times we live in? -Babel tower is being reached : Danger awaits at the top - We all live in different worlds (Floors & Buildings)
What is spaciality? The lived experience of space, Knowing each space opens up new/different possibilities *What can be/ is done in a given space by a given person*
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