Human Factors Intro and Background


Flashcards on Human Factors Intro and Background, created by claire.macaulay on 08/12/2015.
Flashcards by claire.macaulay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claire.macaulay almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Human Factors Human factors are inherent in all accident investigations, in workplace design, and in product design. Definition: ‘Human Factors refer to environmental, organisational and job factors, and human and individual characteristics, which influence behaviour at work in a way which can affect health and safety’ HSE
Branches of Human Factors The job: The task, workload, design of workplace and workplace environment. The individual: Competence, attitude, risk perception, decision-making, situation awareness etc. The organisation: Safety culture, safety climate. The product: Design, usability, user characteristics
Why Do Mistakes Happen? Person approach: Error is due entirely to human worker (forgetfulness, carelessness, negligence). System approach: Error a consequence of multiple factors. Reason Swiss cheese model (2000) 1) Active failures (slips, lapses) 2) Latent conditions (time pressure, inexperience) 3) Error management
Violation or Improvisation? Correct violation: 1) Deviation from rules or instructions in order to achieve goals, where compliance could have led to catastrophe. 2) Piper Alpha: Divers who deviated from instructions to reach bottom of platform survived (instructions incorrect). Correct improvisation: 1) Lack of rules or instructions leads to knowledge-based improvisation that in turn generates success. 2) Apollo 13: jury rig square canisters to fit in round holes.
Human Factors Methods Interviews Observations Task Analysis Error Identification Situation Awareness Assessment
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