Psychology -- Chapter 1 (Research Methods)


These flashcards are about ethics and research methods.
Eikichi Onizuka
Flashcards by Eikichi Onizuka, updated more than 1 year ago
Eikichi Onizuka
Created by Eikichi Onizuka almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is an independent variable? It is a variable a researcher manipulates so that they can see whether they cause a change in behavior.
What is a dependent variable? A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. It's something you can change. For example, stress can be changed and you can measure how stress levels impact someone's heart rate.
What are the 4 goals of psychology? Describe, Explain, Predict, and Influence
What is a theory? It’s an attempt to explain why something happens based on evidence.
What are the TWO types of research psychologist engage in? Basic research: The goal is to seek new knowledge. Basic research often describes, explains, and predicts. Applied Research: The goal is to solve problems and improve people’s quality of life. Applied research often influences behaviour.
What are the 4 types of descriptive research methods psychologist use on their subjects? Naturalistic observation Laboratory observation Case Study Survey
What is naturalistic observation? It is when someone observes and records behavior in a person’s natural setting without attempting to influence or control it. IE: Like an animal documentary.
What is laboratory observation? Opposite of naturalistic observation. People know they are in laboratory. Researcher has full control over environment – they can influence their participants.
What is a case study? It's when a single individual or a small number of people are studied in great depth, over an extended period of time.
What is a survey? It's when researchers use interviews and questionnaires to gather information about the attitudes, beliefs, experiences or behaviors of a group of people.
What are the ethical rights of research participants? Voluntary, Confidentiality, Withdraw, and Debriefed
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