Bandura, Ross + Ross


Undergraduate Psychology (Developmental) Flashcards on Bandura, Ross + Ross, created by mad-megz165 on 10/04/2013.
Flashcards by mad-megz165, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mad-megz165 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
DEVELOPMENTAL Bandura (1961) Aggression Aim: to investigate the mechanisms of Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory: understanding social behavior by focusing on how individual imitate the actions of others to model their own behavior.
PP's: 72 children (36 girls/36 boys) from Stanford University nursery. Aged 37-69 months (3-6 years). 24 were in a control group, 48 were in conditions 1 + 2 Condition 1: Aggression model observed. Condition 2: Non-aggression model observed. Condition 3: No model exposed.
IV's: Sex of child; sex of model; and behavior of model. DV's: Behavioral response from child.
Experimental Observation: Split into 3 stages in order to achieve aggression arousal. Stage 1: Modelling This is were the children in control group 1 are exposed to the aggressive model. The model would shout at the "BoBo Doll, whack it with a toy mallet, etc.
Stage 2: Aggression Arousal The children are taken to a separate room to play with shiny new toys. After a while, the child is told that the toys are special and for the other children. Stage 3: Delayed Imitation The experimenter remains in the room to do paperwork but records the child's behavior every 5 seconds for 20 mins. Total of 240 observations made.
Observers recorded indepentantly and inter rater reliability for aggressive behaviour was 0.9/1 (very high).
Conclusions: New behaviors can be learnt by observing a model in one situation and then imitated in another situation.
Observing adult models acting aggressively has the effect of weakening aggressive inhibitors in children, therefore making aggressive behavior more likely. Boys are more physically aggressive than girls. Boys are more likely than girls to imitate behavior of same-sex models.
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