Math Exam Review


dkm don't fail this too
Flashcards by gergessandra156, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gergessandra156 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hypothesis a theory or statement that is either true or false.
Statistics numerical data, or the collection , organization and analysis of numerical data.
Primary data original data that researchers gather for a particular experiment/survey.
secondary data. data that someone else has gathered for some other purpose.
sample any group of people or items selected from a population.
population the whole group of people or items being studied.
census a survey of all members of a population.
random sample a sample in which all members of a population have an equal chance of being chosen.
what are the 3 different types of random sampling? define each. 1. simple; choosing specific number of members randomly from the population. 2. systematic; choosing members of a population at fixed intervals from a randomly selected number. 3. stratified; dividing a population into distinct groups and choosing the same fraction from each group.
non-random sampling using a method that is not random to choose a sample form a population.
bias error resulting from choosing a sample that does not represent the whole population.
inference conclusion based on reasoning and data.
dependent variable a variable that is affected by some other variable.
independent variable a variable that affects the value of another variable.
outlier measurement that differs significantly from the rest of the data.
interpolate estimate a value between two measurements in two sets of data
extrapolate estimate a value beyond the range of a set of data.
line of best fit a straight line that comes closest to the points on a scatter plot.
distance-time graph a graph that shows how distance varies with time.
variable a quantity whose value can change and is usually represented by a letter.
algebraic expression a phrase made up of numbers and variables connected by addition and subtraction operators.
powers is a product of identical factors and consists of: base and exponent.
exponent laws set of rules with that allow you to simplify expressions involving powers with the same base.
product rule when multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents xa+xb=xa+b
quotient rule when dividing powers with the same base, subtract the exponents xa/xb=xa-b
power of a power rule a power of a power can be simplified by multiplying the exponents (xa)b=xa x b
term an expression formed by the product of numbers and/or variables consisting of a coefficient and a variable
polynomial an algebraic expression consisting of one or more terms
what are the 3 diff. types of polynomials? define each. 1. monomial (1) 2. binomial (2) 3. trinomial (3)
degree of a term the sum of exponents
degree of a polynomial the degree of the highest-degree term
like terms terms that have identical variables
distributive property a (x + y) = ax + ay
equation a mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal.
solution/root the value of a variable that makes an equation true
constant term a term that does not include a variable
formula describes an algebraic relationship between 2+ variables
direct variation a relationship between two variables in which one variable is a constant multiple of the other y=kx
constant of variation the ratio of corresponding values of the variable often represented by k.
partial variation a relationship between two variables in which the dependent variable is the sum of a constant number and a constant multiple of the independent variable,
slope a measure of the steepness of a line calculated as rise/run
rise the vertical distance between two points
run the horizontal distance between two points
rate of change a change in quantity relative to the change in another quantity calculated by Y2-Y1 over X2-X1
first differences differences between consecutive y-values in table of values with evenly spaced x-values
x-inercept the x-coordinate of the point where a line crosses the x-axis
standard form Ax+By+C=0
slope y-intercept form y=mx+b
parallel lines lines that run in the same direction and never run out -usually have the same slope
perpendicular lines lines that intersect at right angles -neg. recp.
linear system a set of two or more linear equations that are considered at the same time
point of intersection the point where two or more lines cross
vertex where two or more points meet
interior angles angle formed on the inside of a polygon by two sides meeting at the vertex
exterior angles angle formed on the outside of a geometric shape by extending one of the sides of a vertex
polygon closed figure made up of line segments
equianglar having all angles equal
adjacent adjoining or next to
supplementary adding to 180 degrees
traversal line intersecting two or more lines
congruent equal in all aspects
convex polygon a polygon with no part of any line segment joining two points on the polygon outside the polygon
concave polygon a polygon with parts of some line segments joining two points on the polygon outside the polygon
heptagon seven sides
midpoint the point that divides a line segment into two equal segments
median the line segment joining a vertex of a triangle to the point of the opposite side
bisect divide into 2 equal parts.
right bisector a line perp. to a line segment and passing through its midpoints.
hypotenuse -the longest side of a right triangle -the side opposite the 90 angle
Pythagorean theorem a2+b2= c2 -in a right triangle, the square length of the hypo. is equal to the sums of the squares of the lengths of the two shorter sides.
surface area the number of square units needed to cover the surface of a 3d figure
volume the amount of space that an object occupies, measures in cubic units
lateral face the faces of a prism or pyramid that are not bases
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