Ch. 1 Psychology


Psychology Flashcards
Flashcards by cdbrisson1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cdbrisson1 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Psychology The scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of the humans and animals.
Wilhelm Wundt A German physician, physiologist, philosopher, and professor, known today as one of the founding figures of modern psychology.
Structuralism the theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure.
Introspection the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional process.
William James a psychologist and philosopher, and was recognized for writing the Principles of Psychology.
Functionalism belief in or stress on the practical application of a thing, in particular.
Psychoanalysis a structure of theories concerning the relation of conscious and unconscious psychological processes.
Gestalt Psychology a school of thought that believes all objects and scenes can be observed in their simplest forms.
Phrenology study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities.
Behaviorism theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination of behavioral events.
John B. Watson John Watson (1878 - 1958) is often called the Father of Behaviorism, which emphasizes objective and observable data such as people's behavior and reactions.
"Little Albert" a case study showing empirical evidence of classical conditioning in humans.
Ivan Pavlov (1849 - 1936) is best known for his work describing the psychological phenomenon of Classical Conditioning.
Classical Conditioning is a learning process in which an innate response to a potent stimulus comes to be elicited in response to a previously neutral stimulus
B.F. Skinner (1904 - 1990) is best known for developing the theory of Operant Conditioning, which uses reinforcers or consequences to change behavior.
Humanistic Psychology psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole person.
Abraham Maslow American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization.
Carl B. Rogers American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology
Nature vs. Nurture Debate
Basic research vs. Applied research
Clinical Psychology the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and disability.
Psychiatrist a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.
Industrial/Organization psychologist characterized by the scientific study of human behavior in organizations and the work place.
Human Factors Psychologist a scientific discipline which examines human behavior and capabilities in order to find the best ways to design products, equipment and systems for maximum safe, effective, satisfying use by humans.
Biopsychology psychology application of the principles of biology to the study of physiological, genetic, and developmental mechanisms of behavior in humans and other animals
Evolutionary psychology branch of psychology that studies the mental adaptations of humans to a changing environment, especially differences in behavior, cognition, and brain structure.
Cognitive psychology branch of psychology studying the mental processes involved in perception, learning, memory, and reasoning.
Sociocultural psychology a theory used in various fields such as psychology and is used to describe awareness of circumstances surrounding individuals and how their behaviors are affected specifically by their surrounding, social and cultural factors.
Trephination a surgical intervention where a hole is drilled, incised or scraped into the skull using simple surgical tools.
"tabula Rasa" Latin phrase often translated as "blank slate" in English and originates from the Roman tabula used for notes, which was blanked by heating the wax and then smoothing it.
Physiological branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical processes.
Cognitive relating to cognition; concerned with the act or process of knowing, perceiving
Basic Science any one of the sciences (such as anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, pathology, or biochemistry) fundamental to the study of medicine.
Applied Science discipline of science that applies existing scientific knowledge to develop more practical applications, like technology or inventions.
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