Mobile phones in Africa case study


A2 World development Flashcards on Mobile phones in Africa case study, created by stephaniemsc on 12/30/2013.
Flashcards by stephaniemsc, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stephaniemsc about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Case study - Mobile phones in Africa. What is Africa's infrastructure like? - Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the lowest levels of infrastructure investment in the world. - 29% of roads are paved - 1/4 of the population has access to electricity - 3 land lines available per 100 people
Case Study - Mobile phones in Africa Access to mobile phones? Increased over the past decade: - 10x as many phones as land lines in Sub-Saharan Africa - 60% Of the population has mobile phone coverage.
Case study - Mobile phones in Africa What is the difference between Africa's mobile phone subscription compared to Europe? Mobile phone subscriptions increased by 49% annually between 2002 and 2007, as compared with 17% in Europe.
Case study - Mobile phones in Africa What are the benefits of mobile phones in all societies (Rich + Poor)? Urban-rural and Rich-poor divides (polarisation), mobile phones connect individuals, information markets and services.
Case Study - Mobile phones in Africa How have phones helped Rural Africa? - Reduced communication costs, allowing individuals and firms to send + obtain information quickly + cheaply on a variety of economic, social and political topics
Case study - Mobile phones in Africa In 1999 only 10% of the African population had mobile phone coverage, primarily in north and south Africa. How has this changed? by 2008, 60% of the population had mobile phone coverage, an area of 11.2 million square kilometers had mobile phone service equivalent to the US and Argentina combined.
Case Study - Mobile phones in Africa which countries remain relatively unconnected? Guinea, Bissau, Ethiopia, Mali and Somalia.
Case study - Mobile phones in Africa Mobile phones have effectively ____ the Land line in Africa. Leapfrogged (SKIPPED)
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