

A2 World development Flashcards on Definitions, created by stephaniemsc on 01/04/2014.
Flashcards by stephaniemsc, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stephaniemsc about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Primary means? mining, extracting of raw materials
Secondary means? manufacturing - process of making it
Tertiary means? Serves, distribution
Quaternary means? high technology (software, bio sciences, space exploration), new research - technical.
Core poor means? People who are income poor, materially deprived
Breadline poor means? people living below a relative poverty line
Asset wealthy means? this is estimated using the relationship between housing wealth and the contemporary inheritance tax threshold.
Exclusive wealthy means? people with so much wealth they can exclude themselves from the norms of society.
Average households means? They are neither poor nor wealthy.
GM CROPS? helps develop higher yielding crops (which cause more income)
Leapfrogging means? skipping a technology (land lines skipped in Africa - straight to mobile phones)
Monopoly means? the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
What is globalisation? A process whereby national boundaries are broken down, particularly through economic activity.
What is a Supra-governmental organisation? organisations involving the participation of many national governments e.g. the United nations, European Union
What is Bi-lateral aid? Assistance given by one country directly to another.
What is Emergency aid? Short term, usually following a natural disaster, keeps people alive
what is Multinational aid? Assistance given by large organisations such as the World Bank and UN, many countries have provided the funds.
What is Programme aid? large scale, infrastructure.
What is Project aid? Aid given for a particular scheme, such as a small scale irrigation project.
What is Protectionism? Allows trade to carry on without competition, includes high import tariffs for goods produced outside a country making it cheaper to buy domestically produced goods.
What is Tied aid? Official grants or loans where the services involved is limited to the donor country.
What is TNC? Transnational company - organisation having operations in a large number of countries. Generally research and development is concentrated in growth areas of developed countries whereas assembly and production is located in developing countries.
What is untied aid? Official development assistance where the associated goods and services may be fully and freely available.
What is Trade deficit? When your imports are higher than your exports.
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