Created by stephaniemsc
about 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Primary means? | mining, extracting of raw materials |
Secondary means? | manufacturing - process of making it |
Tertiary means? | Serves, distribution |
Quaternary means? | high technology (software, bio sciences, space exploration), new research - technical. |
Core poor means? | People who are income poor, materially deprived |
Breadline poor means? | people living below a relative poverty line |
Asset wealthy means? | this is estimated using the relationship between housing wealth and the contemporary inheritance tax threshold. |
Exclusive wealthy means? | people with so much wealth they can exclude themselves from the norms of society. |
Average households means? | They are neither poor nor wealthy. |
GM CROPS? | helps develop higher yielding crops (which cause more income) |
Leapfrogging means? | skipping a technology (land lines skipped in Africa - straight to mobile phones) |
Monopoly means? | the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service. |
What is globalisation? | A process whereby national boundaries are broken down, particularly through economic activity. |
What is a Supra-governmental organisation? | organisations involving the participation of many national governments e.g. the United nations, European Union |
What is Bi-lateral aid? | Assistance given by one country directly to another. |
What is Emergency aid? | Short term, usually following a natural disaster, keeps people alive |
what is Multinational aid? | Assistance given by large organisations such as the World Bank and UN, many countries have provided the funds. |
What is Programme aid? | large scale, infrastructure. |
What is Project aid? | Aid given for a particular scheme, such as a small scale irrigation project. |
What is Protectionism? | Allows trade to carry on without competition, includes high import tariffs for goods produced outside a country making it cheaper to buy domestically produced goods. |
What is Tied aid? | Official grants or loans where the services involved is limited to the donor country. |
What is TNC? | Transnational company - organisation having operations in a large number of countries. Generally research and development is concentrated in growth areas of developed countries whereas assembly and production is located in developing countries. |
What is untied aid? | Official development assistance where the associated goods and services may be fully and freely available. |
What is Trade deficit? | When your imports are higher than your exports. |
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