Immunology (Phlebotomy)


Information one might need to know when considering immunology in accordance with phlebotomy
Pip Fraggle
Flashcards by Pip Fraggle, updated more than 1 year ago
Pip Fraggle
Created by Pip Fraggle over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of immunology The Study of the body's immune system response-it's resistance to and protection from disease and/or foreign substances
What are the two categories of immunity? Non-specific and specific
Non-specific immunity the body's natural defense
Specific immunity acquired immunity as through innoculation
definition of antigen a foreign substance or infectious agent that, when introduced to the body, elicits an immune response (antibody) specific to that substance
Definition of antibody substances produced by the body's immune system in response to bacteria, viruses, or other foreign substances (such as fungus, animal dander, or cancer cells)
Are antibodies specific? yes
How do antibodies defend against infectious agents? they attach to them which causes them to be destroyed by other immune system cells
Definition of autoimmune disease when antibodies are produced against a person's own tissues
Which immunoglobin is the largest type of antibody? IgM
What percentage of antibodies in the body do IgMs comprise? normally 5%-10%
What might be indicated by high levels of IgM? viral hepatitis, mononucleosis, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney damage, parasite infection, possible new infection
Which antibody is the first produced in response to an infection? IgM
Which antibody is the type that form when an infection occurs for the first time? IgM
What can be indicated by low levels of IgM? leukemia
What are the smallest immunoglobins in the body? IgG
What are the most abundant immunoglobins in the body? IgG
What percentage of antibodies in the body do IgGs comprise? 75%-80%
What are the only type of antibodies that can cross the placenta? IgG
What might high levels of IgG imply? chronic infection (AIDS), long-term hepatitis, multiple sclerosis,
What might low levels of IgG imply? some types of leukemia, types of kidney damage
What substances do IgEs cause the body to react against? pollen, fungus spores, animal dander
What type of immunoglobins are often increased in people with allergies? IgE
What can high levels of IgE be indicative of? parasitic infection, allergic reaction, asthma, atopic dermatitis, some types of cancer, some autoimmune diseases
Where can low levels of IgE occur? a rare inherited disease that affects muscle coordinator
Which immunoglobin protects body surfaces that are exposed to outside? IgA
What percentage of antibodies do IgAs account for? 10%-15%
True or False: IgA can cross the placenta and are secreted in breast milk for the first couple of days? False: IgA are secreted in breast milk but do not cross the placenta
What would an increase of IgAs possibly signify? rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, cirrhosis, long term hepatitis
What might low levels of IgAs signify? some types of leukemia, kidney damage, problem with intestines
What are people born with low or absent levels of IgA at risk for? developing an autoimmune disease
What are common tests for Immunology? Radioallergosorbent testing (RAST), allergy testing, mono spot or titer, influenza, HIV, hepatitis, varicella, West Nile, Syphilis
What tube is used for drawing innunology tests? SST or sometimes it is said just Red since the gel in SSTs could interfere with the test.
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