psychopathology AS psychology


AS - Level Psychology Flashcards on psychopathology AS psychology, created by Megan Bailey on 30/03/2016.
Megan  Bailey
Flashcards by Megan Bailey , updated more than 1 year ago
Megan  Bailey
Created by Megan Bailey over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
statistical deviation less common characteristics, for example being more depressed or les intelligent than the rest of the population. most people being 68% abnormal being the outer 2%
deviation of social norms behaviour that is different from the accepted unwritten rules of the community or society
failure to function adequately someone is unable to cope with the ordinary demands of day to day life. eg when someone doesn't conform to social standards, like no eye contact. they experience severe personal distress. behaviour becomes more irrational or dangerous to themselves or others.
deviation from ideal mental health someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental heath. eg, no symptoms of distress we are rational and perceive ourselves accurately we self-actualise, cope with stress have a realistic view of the world good self esteem & lack guilt..ect...
DSM-5 catagories of phobia specific phobia- fear of an object or thing social anxiety- phobia of a social situation eg public speaker or using a public toilet. agoraphobia- phobia of being outside or in a public place
three characteristics of phobia behavioural- what you do emotional- how you feel cognitive- what you think
behavioural characteristics of phobias panic avoidance endurance
emotional characteristics of phobias anxiety
cognitive characteristics of phobias selective attention to the phobia stimulus irrational beliefs cognitive distortions
DSM-5 characteristics of depression major depressive disorder persistent depressive disorder disruptive mod dysregulation disorder premenstrual dysphoric disorder
behavioural characteristics of depression reduced activity levels disruption to sleep and eating behaviour aggression and self harm
emotional characteristics of depression lowered mood anger lowered self esteem
cognitive characteristics of depression poor concentration attending to and dwelling on the negative absolutist thinking
DSM-5 categories of OCD OCD trichotillomania hoarding disorder excoriation disorder
behavioural characteristics of OCD compulsions -compulsions are repetitive -compulsions reduce anxiety avoidance
emotional characteristics of OCD anxiety and distress accompanying depression guilt and digust
cognitive characteristics of depression obsessive thoughts cognitive strategies t deal with obsessions insight into excessive anxiety
the two process model acquisition by classical conditioning maintenance by operant conditioning
the behavioural approach to treating phobias systematic desensitation the anxiety hierarchy relaxation exposure
behavioural approach to treating phobias flooding immediate exposure to the fear
becks cognitive theory of depression faulty information processing negative self schema the negative triad -negative view of the world -negative view of the future -negative view of the self
Ellis's ABC model Activating event Beliefs -musturbation- everything must be perfect ad succeed -I cant stand it itis- disaster when something goes wrong utopianism- life is supposed to be fair Consequences
becks cognitive therapy identify automatic thoughts about the world, the self and the future- this is the negative triad. also, test the negative beliefs, ask the patient to record when someone is nice to them, then when they say nobody is nice to them the evidence can be shown.
Ellis's rational emotive behaviour therapy extends the ABC model D- dispute (challenge) E- effect this would include an argument of facts to try and go against what the patient believes in order to change their views.
genetic explanations of OCD there are candidate genes, that can be passed on genetically and give the child OCD, there are around 230 different genes that can cause OCD.
neural explanations of OCD serotonin serotonin helps to regulate mood, if the serotonin cannot be passed through neurons then mood and mental processes are effected. at least some cases of OCD can be explained due to low levels of serotonin.
neural explanations of OCD decision-making systems impaired decision making can be the cause of OCD. this may be associated with the lateral frontal lobes of the brain. its these that re responsible for logical thinking and making decisions. the left parahippocampal gyrus, responsible for processing unpleasant emotions, can also function abnormally in OCD.
drug therapy SSRIs antidepressant drug called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. it prevents the reabsorption and breakdown of serotonin so there is more in the body, highering the mood.
drug therapy alternative to SSRIs tricyclics- another form of antidepressant, does the same thing as serotonin but it has more severe side effects than SSRIs. it is used when a patient doesn't respond to SSRIs. SNRIs- serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors. increases levels of serotonin and noradrenaline, also used after SSRIs if needed.
How many genes could case OCD? 230, it is polygenic so it is caused by several genes.
Biological approach to explaining OCD A perspective that emphasises the importance of physical processes in the body such as genetic inheritance and neural function
Genetic explanations to OCD Genes make up chromosomes and consist of DNA which codes the physical features of an organism (eg hair colour) and psychological features (eg mental disorder, intelligence). Genes are transmitted from parents to child, inherited.
Neural explanation to OCD The view that physical and psychological characteristics are determined by the behaviour of the nervous system, in particular the brain as well as the individual neurones
The role of serotonin If a person has low levels of serotonin then normal transmission of mood relevant information does not take place and mood, and sometimes other mental processes, are effected. At least some cases of OCD can be explained by a reduction in the functioning of the serotonin system in the brain.
Percentage of twins sharing OCD Monozygotic- 68% Dizygotic- 31%
Environmental risk factors Environmental factors can also trigger OCD. Cromer et al found that over half of his OCD patients had suffered a traumatic experience in their last, and that OCD was more severe in those cases
Antidepressants and OCD Antidepressants work purely on the serotonin system, and also happen to reduce OCD symptoms which suggests serotonin levels are linked to OCD
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