Lesson 23-24 Quiz


Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Psychology Flashcards on Lesson 23-24 Quiz, created by Adam Boros-Rausch on 06/04/2016.
Adam Boros-Rausch
Flashcards by Adam Boros-Rausch, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Boros-Rausch
Created by Adam Boros-Rausch over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
For most disorders, the best treatment is: Select one: a. one that both the client and therapist agree on b. a combination of medication and psychotherapy c. one that provides hope, expectation and support d. one that reduces or removes the client’s symptoms d. one that reduces or removes the client’s symptoms
Some mental disorders are associated with a deficiency or excess of particular neurotransmitters. Which of the following statements regarding neurotransmitters and psychological disorders is accurate? Select one: a. Antidepressants often work by decreasing the amount of norepinephrine available in the brain b. Antipsychotic medications often work by increasing the amount of dopamine available in the brain c. Antidepressants often work by decreasing the amount of serotonin available in the brain d. Antipsychotic medications often work by decreasing the amount of dopamine available in the brain d. Antipsychotic medications often work by decreasing the amount of dopamine available in the brain
Which form of psychotherapy incorporates the manipulation of environmental variables to produce therapeutic change? Select one: a. Psychoanalysis b. Humanistic and Gestalt c. Behavioral d. Cognitive c. Behavioral
The application of a painful or unpleasant stimulus immediately after the unwanted response or after cues that would normally bring on the response is a therapy technique called: Select one: a. aversion treatment b. systematic desensitization c. flooding d. resistance a. aversion treatment
Which of the following statements regarding psychological treatment is the most accurate? Select one: a. Psychological therapy is more effective one-on-one as opposed to in a group setting b. Symptoms should be assessed before treatment begins and after treatment has been administered c. A combination of drug therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best way to treat most psychological disorders d. Symptoms only need to be assessed before treatment begins to determine an accurate diagnosis b. Symptoms should be assessed before treatment begins and after treatment has been administered
Cognitive behavioural (CBT) therapists may prescribe homework such as: Select one: a. recording your thoughts and emotions b. recording your anxiety levels c. recording your diet and exercise d. recording your dreams a. recording your thoughts and emotions
Most therapists today adopt a/an __________ approach to psychological treatment Select one: a. humanistic b. eclectic c. behavioural d. psychodynamic b. eclectic
According to Albert Ellis’ Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), psychological problems are the result of: Select one: a. early learning experiences b. reinforcement histories c. intrapsychic conflicts d. faulty cognitions d. faulty cognitions
ECT (‘shock therapy’) and psychosurgery are no longer in wide use because; Select one: a. they are no longer considered ethical treatments b. less invasive measures are tried first c. they require informed consent d. they have been found to be ineffective b. less invasive measures are tried first
In addition to the effect(s) of a specific treatment, clients may improve due to nonspecific treatment effects such as Select one: a. Hope, expectation and support b. placebo effect c. Spontaneous recovery d. All of the above d. All of the above
An individual believing that he or she can successfully engage in a behaviour that promotes health is an example of: Select one: a. willpower b. self-efficacy c. wishful thinking d. motivation b. self-efficacy
Sandy’s mother has Alzheimer’s disease. Sandy knows she cannot do anything about this, so she has tried to make peace with it by reminding herself that her mother has lived a full and happy life, and that all that matters now is the time they have left to spend together. Sandy is using which of the following coping strategies? Select one: a. Stress inoculation training b. Problem-focused coping c. Denial d. Emotion-focused coping d. Emotion-focused coping
Paulie's mother died a week ago and at first he was so dazed and distressed that he couldn't think. He has now recovered enough to organize the funeral, call up friends and family, and look into legal aspects of her death. Paulie is most probably in the __________ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome. Select one: a. adaptation b. exhaustion c. resistance d. denial c. resistance
Nearly 400 healthy people participated in a study in which they were directly exposed to respiratory viruses. Subjects who reported experiencing psychological distress prior to exposure: Select one: a. showed an increased immune system response to the respiratory viruses after exposure, compared to students who did not experience psychological distress b. were more likely than other subjects to report cold symptoms but not more likely to show an elevated viral coun c. were more likely than other subjects to develop a cold, as measured by both symptoms and viral counts d. were no more likely than other subjects to develop a cold c. were more likely than other subjects to develop a cold, as measured by both symptoms and viral counts
Which of the following statements is NOT true of Lazarus and Folkman's theory of cognitive appraisal? Select one: a. The second stage of cognitive appraisal involves assessing whether or not the person has the resources necessary to cope adequately with the threat. b. The first stage of cognitive appraisal involves evaluating the threat of the stressor. c. If the resources are not adequate to help with coping, the person enters the third stage of cognitive appraisal, denial. d. Because different people may evaluate differently both the stressor and their ability to cope with it, they are likely to show different levels of stress when faced with the same stressor. c. If the resources are not adequate to help with coping, the person enters the third stage of cognitive appraisal, denial.
According to the Theory of Planned Behaviour, our attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control predict our: Select one: a. actual behaviour b. behavioural intentions c. self-efficacy d. risk taking behaviour b. behavioural intentions
Anne has a major essay due in a week. However, she is worried that she won't be able to complete the essay on time because it feels like she is coming down with the flu. Even though the due date is still a week away, Anne asks her professor for an extension on the assignment. Anne is using which of the following coping strategies? Select one: a. Stress inoculation training b. Proactive coping c. Procrastination d. Problem-focused coping d. Problem-focused coping
Which of the following is an example of an athlete who is very anxious about an upcoming competition using stress inoculation training to deal with their performance anxiety? Select one: a. Using self-talk to minimize the importance of the competition outcome b. Holding mock (pretend) time trials, at first alone, then with a team mate and then with the team and coaches watching c. Going to see their physician to get anti-anxiety medication d. Strictly following their training schedule and diet b. Holding mock (pretend) time trials, at first alone, then with a team mate and then with the team and coaches watching
A friend has to get her blood taken and she is nervous about the pain. To help her, you Select one: a. Remind her that it is just a needle prick and won’t last long at all b. Squeeze her hand as she is getting her blood drawn c. Distract her with news of your wedding plans d. Confront her irrational beliefs about the pain c. Distract her with news of your wedding plans
Similar to the treatment of mental disorders, when it comes to coping with stress, which of the following factors does not contribute to success: Select one: a. Optimism b. Hope and expectation. c. Quality of social support. d. Number of friends d. Number of friends
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