PSYB30 - Chapter 3 Flashcards


PSYB30 Flashcards on PSYB30 - Chapter 3 Flashcards, created by andreaarose on 28/01/2014.
Flashcards by andreaarose, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andreaarose over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Technical training Focuses on teaching what is already known about a topic.
Scientific education Focuses on teaching what is known and how to find out what is not yet known.
Reliability Tendency of a measurement instrument to provide the same info on different occasions.
Measurement error Cumulative effect of extraneous influences on the score. Low = high reliability.
Low precision of measurement Undermines reliability through mistakes in recording of data.
State of the participant Reliability may be influenced by the participant's responses or behaviour.
State of the experimenter Reliability may be influenced by how the experimenter treats them.
The environment Reliability can be influenced by temperature, noise.
Factors that can enhance reliability Be careful with all research procedures, use a standardized procedure and measuring something that is important to participants and aggregation.
Aggregation Averaging across multiple measurements of something is more reliable than a single measurement.
Validity The degree to which a measurement actually reflects what one thinks, must be reliable.
Construct Something that cannot be directly seen or touched but affects and helps to explain many different things that are visible - intelligence.
Construct validation Establishing the validity of a measure by comparing it to a wide range of other measures.
Generalizability The degree to which a measurement applies to other tests, other situations or other individuals.
Gender bias Historical use of all male samples and greater proportion of female participants in undergrad studies.
People who participate in research vs. those who don't Shows vs. no shows differ in systematic ways.
Cohort effects Tendency of a group of people living at a particular time in history to be different from those who lived earlier.
Socio demographic diversity Most research is based on white, middle class, university/college students.
WEIRD participants Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic.
Case method Closely studying a particular event or person of interest in order to find out as much as possible.
Advantages of the case method Describes whole phenomena, source for ideas and is sometimes necessary.
Disadvantages of case methods You have no control and require additional confirmation.
Experimental method Experimental manipulation and control of the independent variable.
Correlational method Establishes the relationship between two variables by measuring both variables in a sample of participants.
Experimental method vs. correlational method Only experiments can examine causality.
Statistically significant result A result that would be unlikely to appear due to chance alone.
Statistical significance A result that would only occur by chance less than 5% of the time.
Null hypothesis significance testing "What are the chances that we would have found this result, if nothing were really going on?"
Null hypothesis No relationship between the variables.
Effect sizes An index of the strength of the relationship between variables.
Correlation coefficient Can be used to describe the strength of results from different kinds of studies.
Deception Telling participants something that is not true.
Debriefing Explaining the real purpose of the study, the role of the deception.
Arguments against deception Consent is not really informed, deception can harm credibility.
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