IR Class Test


Revision for IR class test
Ingrid Hove Vogt
Flashcards by Ingrid Hove Vogt, updated more than 1 year ago
Ingrid Hove Vogt
Created by Ingrid Hove Vogt over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Timothy Mitchell Post-Colonialism/Middle East Exhibitionism
Edward Said Post-Colonialism/Middle East Orientalism
Martha Crenshaw Terrorism Causes of terrorism
Richard English Terrorism Nothing new about New Terrorism
David Rapoport Terrorism Waves
Louise Richardson Terrorism Understanding terrorism
Ole Jacob Sending, Vincent Pouliot and Iver B. Neumann Diplomacy/Constructivism World politics mutually constituted through diplomacy
K.M. Fierke Diplomacy/Constructivism Realism vs. Constructivism
C. Tilly Transnational Organised Crime War-making + state-making = TOC
Louise Shelley Transnational Organised Crime New crime groups vs. traditional crime groups
Phil Williams Transnational Organised Crime Threats on three levels: international, national and individual
Peter Andreas Transnational Organised Crime State still in control, TOC not a new phenomena
Darryl Howlett and John Simpson Nuclear Proliferation Nuclear Proliferation Policies
Scott D. Sagan Nuclear Proliferation Three models: security, domestic pressure, norms
Carol Cohn and Sara Ruddick Nuclear Proliferation/Feminism Anti-war Feminism
J. Ann Tickner Feminism Binary hierarchy
Richard J. Evans Historical Approach Historical objectivity or subjectivity
Peter Claus and John Marriott Historical Approach Historical objectivity or subjectivity
Roy Allison Post-Soviet Conflicts Russian Annexation of Crimea
Rick Fawn and Robert Nalbandov Post-Soviet Conflicts Russo-Georgian war and contesting narratives
Lawrence Freedman Post-Soviet Conflicts Limited War/Hybrid War
Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal International Organisations Centralisation and Independence
Michael N. Barnett and Martha Finnemore International Organisation/Constructivism Why do international organisations behave as they do?
Ian Hurd International Organisations IO's seen from different approaches
Fredrik Barth Ethnicity and Conflict Ethnic Boundaries
Rogers Brubaker and David D. Laitin Ethnicity and Conflict Approaches to studying ethnic conflict: inductive, theory-driven rational action and culturalist
Ivana Macek Ethnicity and Conflict Experiences of War
Jeffrey Stevenson Murer Ethnicity and Conflict Othering in face of collective identity crisis
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Eleanor H
Conferences of the Cold War
Alina A
Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
Alina A
Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
Alina A
The Berlin Crisis
Alina A
A-level English Language Power & Gender Theories
Libby Shaw
Language and Gender Theories
Eleanor H
Sociology- Beliefs in Society (Theories)
Rachel Pearce
Issues and Debates Quiz- Psychology (A2) (INCOMPLETE)
Grace Fawcitt
Cold War Terminology (International Relations 1945-2004)
Realism (international relations)