The effects of video games and computers


Psychology (Media) Flashcards on The effects of video games and computers, created by lele_star on 22/04/2013.
Flashcards by lele_star, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lele_star about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
who found that facebook can boost self esteem (more than looking in the mirror) Gonzales and Hancock
WHat is the hyperpersonal model? by Walther self selection of representing ourselves e.g. choosing our own pictures and witty comments can increase self esteem
peter 2009? social networking helps people to become more social
other people who researched videogames (positive) gee, Kestenbaum and weinstein
evaluation done by Greitemeyer and osswald Greitemeyer and osswald found that 85% of video games contain violence, therefore people playing video games are much less likely to experience this type of game.
why are positive video games less likely to be produced? becuase they are harder to sell
other positives video games have been used to treat post traumuatic stress "virtual iraq"
negatives of computers lead to deindividualisation as you do not feel directly responsable people often lie- change in personal moral standards
What did Greitemeyer and Osswald find? After playing video games (pros soical -lemmings, anti social neutral -tetris) the amount of people that picked up the researchers pencils p- 67% n- 33% as 28%
Research into sims? Kahe et al found that it helped to learn about problmes in society and explore soical issues whilst playing a computer game
WHo found that video games are healthy for adolescence (family, friends, activity, schools) Durkin and Barber 2002
Who looked at the negative effects of facebook? Charles (2011) 12% of 200 were anxious 34% felt bad rejecting friend requests 10% disliked recieving friend requests.
WHat problems are there with research evidence -not real aggression (short term) -aggression is subjective -longitudinal studies have chance of being subjected to other media e.g. tv
why might there be an effect (negative) No evidence has been able to make the link, Gentile et al suggestes the bi-directional model, suggesting it is to do with personailty, more likely to choose violent games
WHo found a link between facebook and low grades Karpinski (to do with personailty factors)
WHo did research to show that tetris reduces the amount of traumatic flashbacks Holmes because games like tetris compete with the same sensory channels that are needed for memory.
Which studies are linked to the explanation that playing video games is addictive? Sopes and Miller Grusser (surveyed 7,000 gamers 12% addicted according to the WHOC) Shotton (those that were addicted had good education and high ranking job- the addiction is harmless)
What was discoverd from sopes and Miller's study? Found that those children who played video games were likely to show addictive behaviour due to their compulsive behavioural envolvement. They also showed withdrawal symptoms and were likely to turn to crime to fund their habit.
WHo are the researchers who looked into the link between video games and aggression? Gentile and Stone- increased arousal and hostility Anderson and dill- children who played Wolfstein subjected their oponents to high levels of white noise and rated themselves higher on the state hostility scale.
What biological evidence is there? Matthews et al, found increased activity in the amygdala (emotions) and decreased activity in the prefrontal lobe. Showing that video games do physically effect the brain, and less control over aggressive tendencies
example of a longitundinal study into the link between video games and aggression Anderson- the children, peers and teachers all reported the link
who conducted a meta analysis on the link between videogames and aggression Anderson and gentile found evidence for children and adults recent data showed a higher link
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