unit1.2 and 1.3 science from mohamed abdi


Flashcards on unit1.2 and 1.3 science from mohamed abdi, created by Mohamed Abdi on 12/05/2016.
Mohamed Abdi
Flashcards by Mohamed Abdi, updated more than 1 year ago
Mohamed Abdi
Created by Mohamed Abdi over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what a plant kingdom its like an animal kingdom but contains a large number of very different organisms
what is a plant divisions plant divisions are classes of a plant kingdom.
mosses and liverworts mosses and liverworts are usually very small because they don't have any tissues to transport water or nutrients through plant
ferns ferns have been around for a very long time .the first ferns appeared on earth was in 360 million years ago long before flowering plants
fungi kingdom fungi are big enough to be easily seen .other fungi like yeasts are small that they could be only seen in a microscope.
Protist kingdom most organisms in the protist kingdom live in the water .the protist are more diverse than any other kingdom .
monera kingdom the monera kingdom includes all the organisms known as bacteria
cells all living are made up of building blocks called cells.
examples of plants trees , flowers , ferns mosses and liveworts
animal kingdom the animal kingdom are kingdoms of animals such as mammal annelids and others
vertebrates vertebrates are organisms with a backbone .
invertebrates organisms with no backbone
arthropods form the largest animal phylum , with over 1000,000 species described .
reptiles reptiles have dry and scaly skin .they breathe using only their lungs .they generally they lay eggs .
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