What problems did the National party face within South Africa?


A-Level A Level History (2B.3) Flashcards on What problems did the National party face within South Africa?, created by Reuben Veysey-Smith on 24/05/2016.
Reuben Veysey-Smith
Flashcards by Reuben Veysey-Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Reuben Veysey-Smith
Created by Reuben Veysey-Smith over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Liberal opposition In 1959 11 Liberal MP's formed the progressive party, In 1974 the progressive party increased their seats from 1 to 7, UP also got won 41 seats with 363,000 votes, however splintered after 1978
Troubles in the Bantustans The government pushed forward with Bantustans, they were still heavily reliable on SA for revenues
Resistance After buthelezi refused to hold independence elections, large military expenditure became the norm; this helped maintain apartheid but also had huge cost
Verligtes Recognised need for better training for blacks to increase work relations
Verkramptes Wanted rapid implementation of separate development, Vorster sided with this
Information scandal Vorster gave Connie mulder a large amount of public money to influence propaganda in and outside of country, government were shocked stepped down in 1978 replaced by Botha
Economic and population crisis Economy started to stagflate, and African population rose from 11-29 million putting huge pressure on apartheid
1973 oil crisis Sent the world into recession, National Party set up SASOL only provided 1/3 of SA needs and was very expensive
Example of population growth In Kwandebele population boomed from 32,000 in 1972 to 200,000 in 1985; PUTCO bus company 1975 had two busses, 263 in 1984; workers woke up at 4 to get a 100mile bus ride to Pretoria
Problem of population growth During early 1980's pass laws were successfully challenged in court, combined with stagnation the growing urban migration was un-changeable
Botha and the economy De-regulated sports teams, gave blacks long term property leases and massively increased promises of working security. These were huge ideological changes
Constitutional changes He created presidents council 1980 with coloureds, Indiand and whites; making himself a tricameral presidents Did very little for blacks created very biased black councils
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