Lustman et. al - Measures of Non-Adherence


A-Level Psychology (Health - Healthy Living) Flashcards on Lustman et. al - Measures of Non-Adherence, created by Amelia S on 03/06/2016.
Amelia S
Flashcards by Amelia S, updated more than 1 year ago
Amelia S
Created by Amelia S over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Background Most of the time, adherence to regimes is measure by doctors who look at the medicines effect on the body - e.g. if someone is given tablets to fight an infection, if the infection is gone it can be assumed they complied This however is not always an accurate measure
Background: Chung and Naya Looked at using a mechanical device for measuring adherence = susceptible to social desirability bias
Background: Lustman et. al - Blood sugar (GHb) measured adherence - Higher in those with diabetes - Therefore normal GHb level means adherence to medical regime
Aim To assess the efficacy of the anti-depressant Fluoxetine in treating depression, by measuring Glycemic control
Methodology Controlled double-blind study
Sample 60 patients with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes - and diagnosed with depression
Procedure Randomly assigned to Fluoxetine or placebo group = Assessed for depression using psychometric tests =Adherence to medical regime through GHb
Results Patients given Fluoxetine reported lower levels of depression They also had lower GHb levels, indicating adherence
Conclusion This research suggests that reducing depression may improve adherence of diabetic patients
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