Unit 12: Leisure and recreation


AQA GCSE PE Facts Flashcards on Unit 12: Leisure and recreation, created by Cath Warriner on 18/08/2016.
Cath Warriner
Flashcards by Cath Warriner, updated more than 1 year ago
Cath Warriner
Created by Cath Warriner about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is leisure time? The time you have at your disposal and it is free for you to decide what you do with it. It is the time that you are not at work or school. It tends to be the evenings and weekends.
Why has leisure time increased? Higher levels of unemployment A shorter working week Part time and shift work Technological advances Labour saving devices
How has the leisure industry responded to the increased leisure time? Longer opening hours More facilities have been built More jobs have been created.
The leisure industry has to cater for different user groups. Who have they targeted? Mothers and toddlers Disabled Unemployed Senior citizens Shift workers
What is active leisure? Taking part in activities that involve physical or mental exertion and can involve low impact or high impact activities.
Name sporting activities that are low impact? Yoga Mountain Walking Pilates
Name sporting activities that are high impact? Kick boxing Aerobics Circuit training Zumba Spinning
What is passive leisure? Activities such as those that people do not exert any physical or mental energy.
Give examples of different passive leisure activities. Going to the cinema Watching a live match Playing a video game
Local authorities have a legal responsibility to provide leisure services. Name the different types of facilities a local council could provide. Swimming pool Leisure centre Playing fields Libraries Tennis courts Parks
What is the difference between a public sector and private sector provider? Public sector is subsidised by the council. It is pay as you go. Anyone can play. Private sector is run for profit. Have to be a member of the club. Membership fees are paid.
What is outdoor recreation? An activity that occurs in the natural environment.
Give examples of outdoor sporting activities. Kayaking - challenged against the water. Rock climbing - height, type of rock is the challenge. Sailing - challenge is the wind speed. Mountain biking - challenge is the terrain.
What is meant by a lifelong sport? An activity that can be performed from an early age right through into later life.
Give examples of life long sporting activities. Swimming Walking Cycling All can ne performed at your own pace and intensity.
What are social groups? Any form of group that is likely to influence your level and type of participation in any activity and it can be a major influence on physical participation.
Give examples of the different social groups. Peers Family Ethnicity Gender
What is a peer group? People of the same age or status as you.
How can a peer group affect participation? Positive: encourage, motivate and inspire you to be actively engaged in an activity. Negative: Discourage you, distract you and try to prevent you from training and playing matches.
What is peer group pressure? Where peer group will attempt to persuade an individual to follow their lead. For a teenager this is one of the greatest influences upon you. It can be difficult to resist.
Family has a tremendous amount of influence on you. How can family have a positive influence on performance? Support and encouragement at the pitch side Financial support: Annual subscriptions and match fees Equipment Clothing and footwear Transport Paying for coaching sessions Role models - athlete themselves
Family has a tremendous amount of influence on you. How can family have a negative influence on performance? No support at matches No financial support Refuse to give permission to join clubs Pressure to focus on academic studies
What does ethnic group mean? A group of people with a common national or cultural tradition.
How can ethnic background affect performance? Culture and ethnic background could affect access to activities. Constraints regarding dress codes can restrict movement and affect performance.
How can gender influence performance in sport? Physiological differences Access to sports clubs Range of sporting activities accessible to males and females.
People are encouraged to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. How can people make their everyday lifestyle more healthy? Eat a balanced diet - less fat, sugar and salt Take regular medical check ups Have a balanced work life Have good hygiene Don't take drugs Don't watch much TV
People are encouraged to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. How can people make their everyday lifestyle more active? Take regular exercise Get off the bus a stop earlier and walk Walk/cycle instead of taking the car Use the stairs instead of lifts/escalators
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