Evaluating Psychological Information - Chapter 1 Study


Flashcards on Evaluating Psychological Information - Chapter 1 Study, created by Jc Kunkel on 03/09/2016.
Jc Kunkel
Flashcards by Jc Kunkel, updated more than 1 year ago
Jc Kunkel
Created by Jc Kunkel about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is deciding what to believe and how to use information after carefully evaluating the evidence and reasoning in a communication. The process involves 3 essential components. 1) Knowledge
What are is the four steps to guide critical thinking? 1. Identify Source - Is it a secondary or primary source 2. Read To Understand 3. Identify the research evidence 4. evaluate the research evidence
In the pr
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