Module 3 Project Stakeholder Management ( End of module review questions)


Architecture Flashcards on Module 3 Project Stakeholder Management ( End of module review questions), created by David McClelland on 27/10/2016.
David McClelland
Flashcards by David McClelland, updated more than 1 year ago
David McClelland
Created by David McClelland almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How would you identify project stakeholders? Project stakeholders can be identified using one or more of the following techniques: ● Analysing contract/proposal documents ● Analysing work breakdown structure/statement of work ● Referring to other projects with similar nature (i.e. analogy) ● Brainstorming with project team
Why is it important to determine strengths and weaknesses of the stakeholders as well as to anticipate their behaviours? Determining customer requirements simply involves asking what the customer wants. But why is satisfying customer requirements considered difficult to achieve in many projects? There are different levels of requirement. Some are obvious but some are not. Project team needs to use various techniques to best capture those unspoken requirements.
In the House of Quality, what is the benefit of the matrix showing relationships between Technical Requirements and Customer Requirements? The relationship matrix will help the project team to systematically link the technical requirements (How’s) and customer requirements (What’s), and then to integrate these links using a calculation technique to identify what technical requirements are critical to addressing the customer requirements.
How does Concurrent Engineering help to ensure that a project satisfies all its requirements? Through the combined early efforts of designers, developers, and producers to ensure that important questions get asked and answered to the satisfaction of key people involved.
In determining value, what is the main difference between hard system and soft system thinking? A hard system thinker focuses on just the function of a system/project with respect to its cost. A soft system thinker considers other aspects such as usefulness, historical significance, social status, personal sentiment etc.
How would you determine if the project is value for money? Compare the benefits (tangible/intangible using both hard and soft thinking approaches) against the whole-life (life cycle) cost.
How would you improve value for money of a project? Increasing value while reducing cost - Increasing value without changing total cost - Preserving value while reducing total cost - Marginally reducing value while substantially reducing total cost - Substantially increasing value while marginally increasing cost
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