

Sneha Mittal
Flashcards by Sneha Mittal, updated more than 1 year ago
Sneha Mittal
Created by Sneha Mittal almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
phillipe pinel study ways to improve treatment for psychiatric illness; try to figure out experience of people with psychopathic illness
mental disorder persistent disturbance and dysfunction in behavior, thoughts, or emotions that causes significant distress or impairment
medical model abnormal psychological experiences are conceptualized as illnesses that, like physical illnesses, have biological and environmental causes, defined symptoms, and possible cures
nosology branch of medicine dealing with the classification of disease
etiology branch of medicine dealing with the cause of a disease
treatment cure of a disease
psychopathology physical illness that drastically impairs normal cognitive functions
neuropsychology vs. psychopathology branch of psychological science that examines how overt brain injury affects cognition vs. branch of psychological science that examines how covert brain injury affects cognition
diathesis-stress model innate genetic vulnerability that people are carrying can be induced by environmental stress and give rise to physical illness
signs objectively observed indicators of a disorder
symptoms subjectively reported behaviors, thoughts, and emotions
disorder common set of signs/symptoms
disease pathological process affecting body
diagnosis determination as to whether a disorder or disease is present
problems with psychopathological classification classification of basis of symptoms continual vs. discrete nature of psychopathology (arbitrariness in considering what is clinically significant) comorbidity (people have more than 1 illness) ethnic/cultural considerations
medical student syndrome condition where medical students perceive themselves to be experiencing the symptoms of a disease they are studying
anxiety disorder anxiety is the primary and dominant feature
generalized anxiety disorder excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months
panic disorder panic attacks, feel out of control, fear of panic attacks, fear of dying
phobia fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation; treatment through habituation
preparedness theory development of phobias related to our own survival
obsessive-compulsive disorder intrusive thoughts/images that person struggles to get out of mind (obsessions) leads to behaviors or thoughts designed to reduce anxiety (compulsions)
post traumatic stress disorder persistent re-experiencing of a traumatic event; avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and numbing of general responsiveness; increased arousal
mood disorder: major depressive disorder sad mood everyday for most of the day, loss of interest in normal pleasures, difficulty sleeping
kindling hypothesis first depression episode changes brain chemistry, makes others more likely
bipolar disorder fluctuations in mood, going from mania (major increase in activity, talkativeness, inflated self esteem, insomnia) to depression
schizophrenia (split from reality) positive symptoms = delusions (grandeur, persecution, external agency), hallucinations, disorganized thought/speech, inappropriate affect negative symptoms = motivation, social engagement, speech, concentration
schizophrenia: diathesis-stress diathesis: heritability, prenatal trauma stress: social isolation family dynamics substance use
pharmacology treats brain directly (drugs)
therapy treats cognitions (thoughts) and behavior
SSRI selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors; good for depression and anxiety disorders
treatment cognitive behavioral for depression medication for bipolar disorder
nonspecific factors unrelated to specific principles but critical to outcome support, hope
psychopharmocology study of drug effects on psychological states and symptoms
cognitive-behavioral therapy blend of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies; acknowledges that there are many behaviors that people cannot control through rational thought but also that there may ways of helping people think more rationally when thought does play a role
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