Chapter 11


key points
Mamie Cooper
Flashcards by Mamie Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Mamie Cooper
Created by Mamie Cooper almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Calcium functions Bone growth, development, maintenance blood clot formation muscle contraction
additional calcium function lowers risk of bone fractures lowers risk of colon cancer lowers risk of kidney stone formation lowers BP improve lipid profile
Getting enough calcium Rule of 300s- estimate calcium need
Calcium Deficiency Decreased bone mineral density which can lead to osteopenia, osteoporosis Low blood Calcium which can cause high BP, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythm
Very high intake of calcium can increase risk of kidney stones headaches kidney failure tissue calcification decreased absorption of other minerals
Regulation of Blood Calcium Secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) Secretion of calcitonin
Type 1 osteoporosis (postmenopausal) affects trabecular bone undergoing rapid remodeling
Type 2 Osteoporosis breakdown of cortical bone and trabecular bone
Vitamin D functions Regulates calcium absorption in three ways: 1. from small intestine 2. with PTH and calcitonin to regulate calcium secretion via kidney 4. bone remodeling
Vitamin D deficiency Rickets
Vitamin D toxicity symptoms weakness loss of appetite diarrhea and vomiting confusion increased urine output
Major food sources of vitamin D fatty fish-sardines and salmon fortified dairy foods fortified breakfast cereals
Magnesium functions Nerve and heart relax muscles after contraction provides rigidity to bones resistance to tooth decay lower risk of type 2 diabetes
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