History: surgery


Flashcards on History: surgery, created by demisolomou1 on 31/03/2014.
Flashcards by demisolomou1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by demisolomou1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What's another name for laughing gas? nitrous oxide
Who discovered laughing gas? Sir humphry davy
when was laughing gas discovered? 1799
why was horace wells so important in the downfall of laughing gas? he was an american dentist who conducted a public demonstration which failed
who was john collins warren? an american surgeon who first used ether as an anaesthetic
What did rober liston later use on his patient? ether, a year later from john collins warren
why was william morton important? he found out that ether was more long lasting than laughing gas
what were the side effects of ether? irritated the eyes and lungs, causing coughing and sickness. could catch fire easily, smelt, difficult to carry around as in a large heavy bottle
who discovered chloroform and when? james simpson in 1847
how did simpson discover chloroform? him and his friends inhaled different fluids and realised chloroform was effective
what is the downfall to chloroform? hard to get dosage correct, can kill if too much inhaled,
why didn't people agree with anaesthetics? religious believed interfering with gods plan, distrusted anesthetics, doctors thought it was easier for patient to die, patients who died after increased
who was robert liston? a well known surgeon in london who could amputate a limb in just 30seconds, 1/10th patients died after operation. first surgeon to use ether
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