Travel & Tourism - unit 1


Flash cards to help remember types of tourism
Gemma Wright
Flashcards by Gemma Wright, updated more than 1 year ago
Gemma Wright
Created by Gemma Wright over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Types of Tourism Domestic Outbound inbound
What is Domestic Tourism Going on Holiday in the country in which you live or go on a day trip to (day or overnight trip)
What is Outbound Tourism Anyone who travels from the UK to another country for holiday or type of visit
What is inbound tourism People who travel to the UK for tourism purposes.
Types of Travel Leisure Business Specialist
What is Leisure Travel Holidays, leisure and recreation Visiting Friends and relatives (VFR) shopping
What is Business Travel Meetings - face to face Incentive - travel as a reward or to persuade customers to buy Conferences - large gatherings Events - awards evenings, product launch
What is Specialist travel Adventure- outdoor Health- health spa Cultural heritage- a countrys history dark tourism- where a disaster happened voluntary work- holiday and charity work conservation- trip with conservation work Eco tourism= conserves the environment
What are the MAIN Principles of Sustainable Tourism 1.Minimise negative environmental impacts on destination 2. Create economic benefits (future employment for local people) 3. Conserve local culture 4. Promote links and respect tourists and local communities.
What is Eco-Tourism Resorts that have been developed in a sustainable way
What is sustainable tourism meets the needs of tourists and local communities while protecting the natural, historical and cultural environment for the future.
What are the benefits of Sustainable tourism - Environmental; protection - Links with local community - Reduced energy consumption - Reducing waste - Cost savings - Competitive edge and image
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