Getting Metals From Rocks #2


Adam Collinge
Flashcards by Adam Collinge, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Created by Adam Collinge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give an example of a metal that has to be extracted using electrolysis. Aluminium
What is a negative about electrolysis, compared to reduction? It is much more expensive because it uses a lot of energy, e.g a high temperature is needed to melt aluminium oxide so that aluminium can be extracted
What is wrong with copper gained by reduction? It is very impure, meaning it wont conduct electricity well, which is bad as conduction is one of the main uses of copper
What is electrolysis? The breaking down of a substance using electricity
What does electrolysis require? A liquid to conduct the electricity, called the electrolyte
Often, what are electrolytes? Metal salt solutions, made from the ore. Or molten metal oxides
What characteristics does the electrolyte have, that makes electrolysis work? Free electrons allow the conduction of electricity
Which is the positive rod? Anode
Which is the negative rod? Cathode
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