6 History-Prohibition


Flashcards by melgallagher, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by melgallagher over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is prohibition? Making the production, sale and consumption of alcohol illegal.
Why was prohibition introduced? Many believed poverty, violence and immoral behaviour was caused by alcoholism. There was a temperance movement in the late 1800's in Britain which spread to the USA. Some states were 'dry' by 1917. People believed alcohol was the cause of breakdown of family life.
What were the problems with prohibition? Alcohol production was driven 'underground'. There was an incentive to smuggle alcohol (BOOTLEGGERS). Illegal bars 'SPEAKEASIES' were set up. The government didn't have enough money to clamp down on the law breakers.
Why did prohibition cause organised crime and gangsters? There was a huge amount of money to be made supplying alcohol. By 1930 there where 30,000 'SPEAKEASIES' in New York and 200,000 all over the USA. Gangsters controlled alcohol in the cities running underground bars. Al Capone dominated Chicago and bribed politicians and police to leave them alone. His businesses were worth $100 mil per year.
Why did prohibition not work? By the late 1920's it was clear it wasn't working. Americans who wanted to drink could get it and as a result, crime flourished.
When was prohibition ended? 1933
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