Productive grasses and herbs for horses


A flash card activity on productive grasses and herbs for horses
Jannette Bloom
Flashcards by Jannette Bloom, updated more than 1 year ago
Jannette Bloom
Created by Jannette Bloom over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
COCKSFOOT Low in fructans (2%) (PRG – 12%) Does well in dry conditions Has a large capacity for retaining water Palatable Good nutritional value Copes well with being heavily grazed
CREEPING RED FESCUE Prefers upland environments Good winter hardiness Not favoured by sheep and cattle but palatable to horses
SMOOTH MEADOW GRASS Responds well to nitrogen fertiliser so therefore can be very productive Drought resistant Slow to establish
TALL FESCUE Very adaptable – does well in either wet or dry conditions Very responsive to nitrogen fertiliser Potential for high production Slow to establish
TIMOTHY Better suited to cutting Establishes well in heavy soils Copes well in harsh winter conditions Has a high yield Palatable
CRESTED DOGS TAIL Green – fine leaves Palatable Grows vigorously therefore good all year round Needs to be grazed closely to maintain quality
WHITE CLOVER Nitrogen fixing legume Enhances soil fertility Withstands drought conditions well Excess should be avoided
PERENIAL RYEGRASS Rapid establishment Good tillering ability Responds well to nitrogen Tolerant of intensive grazing Does not do so well on dry and infertile soils – lacks lifespan
ITALIAN RYEGRASS Biennial (has a 2 year life cycle)– most productive in first year High degree of stem production Susceptible to winter damage
Palatable RIBWORT PLANTAIN Drought and wet resistant Resistant to treading Believed to increase wound healing Reduces pain Kills bacteria and has an anti-inflammatory effect
WILD GARLIC Reported to be good for the blood and helps keep flies away in the summer However there is some unpublished scientific evidence to suggest that it can cause anaemia in horses
YARROW High in calcium also contains vitamins C and K Thought to reduce pain and inflammation, aids digestion and can be mildly sedative
COMFREY Contains the chemical allantoin – increases cell multiplication Aids healing - bones Counteracts scouring (diarrhoea) Hardy
DANDELION Abundant in nearly every type of soil but prefers chalky soil Releases hydrochloric acid into the stomach – aids digestion Contains vitamins C, A and the mineral calcium – these properties are also found in chicory
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