AQA GCSE Psychology Sex and Gender


All you need to know for Sex and Gender exam. Enjoy! =)
Diana Domingues
Flashcards by Diana Domingues, updated more than 1 year ago
Diana Domingues
Created by Diana Domingues over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sex identity A biological term. A child's sex can be identified by their hormones and chromosomes. This is either male and female., and defined the same way across the all cultures.
Gender identitry A psychological term. A child's gender identity can be identified by their attitudes and behaviours. This is either feminine and masculine, and defined differently across different cultures.
Female chromosome XX
Male chromosome XY
Female hormone Oestrogen
Male hormone Testosterone
Phallic stage Freud's 3rd stage in psychosexual development (3-5 years) in which gender development takes place
Identification To adopt the attitudes and behaviours of the same sex parents
Oedipus complex The conflict experienced by a boy in the phallic stage because he unconsciously desires his mother and is afraid of his father (castration fear).
Electra complex The conflict experienced by a girl in the phallic stage because she unconsciously desires her father and is afraid of losing her mother's love.
Oedipus complex explanation - The boy sexually desires his mother - Is afraid his father will find out and castrate him - To resolve this complex, he gives up his feelings for his mother and identifies with his father
Electra complex explanation - The girl sexually desires her father - Is afraid her mother will find out and stop loving her - To resolve this complex, she gives up his feelings for her father and identifies with her mother
Freud aim To investigate Little Hans' phobia
Freud Method Hans' father wrote to Freud about his 4-year old son's phobia pf horses -particularly a large white one with black around the mouth. He was frightened that a horse might bite him or fall down
Freud Results Freud claimed that Hans was experiencing the Oedipus complex. He displaced his fear of his father onto horses. The white horse with black around the mouth represented the father who had a dark beard. The fear of being bitten represented his castration fear and the fear of horses falling down was his unconscious desire of seeing his father dead.
Freud conclusion This supports Freud's ideas about the Oedipus complex
Gender disturbance Not developing the gender identity usually associated with one's sex.
Rekers and Moray aim To investigate whether there is a relationship between gender disturbance and family background
Rekers and Moray method Researchers rated 46 boys with gender disturbance for gender behaviour and gender identity. The family background was also investigated.
Rekers and Moray results 75% of most severely gender disturbed boys had neither a biological father or a father substitute living with them.
Rekers and Moray conclusion Boys who do not have a father figure present during their childhood are more likely to develop a problem with their gender identity
Psychodynamic theory evaluation - Very difficult to test, because it is based on unconscious thoughts and feelings - Does not explains the increase in lone-parent households, but not an increase in homosexuality - Little evidence for the Oedipus and Electra complexes (Hans was only 1 kid)
Modelling A role model provides an example for the child
Imitation Copying the behaviour of a role model
Vicarious reinforcement Learning from the model being either rewarded or punished
People who are likely to be role models - Similar to them (friends, same-sex parents) - Powerful (teachers, older siblings, parents) - Loving and caring (parents, teachers)
Perry and Bussey aim To show that children imitate behaviour carried out by same-sex role models
Perry and Bussey Method Children were shown films of children carrying out unfamiliar activities Condition 1: All the male role models played with one activity, and all the female role models played with the other Condition 2: Each activity was done by male and female role models
Perry and Bussey Results Condition 1: Boys did the activity they had seen the male role models do, Girls did the activity they had seen the female role models do Condition 2: There was no difference between the activities that they chose (based on personal preference)
Perry and Bussey Conclusion When children are in an unfamiliar situation, they will observe and imitate the behaviour shown by same sex role models.
How does media influence gender? TV shows show males and females in very stereotyped ways, so children have highly gender stereotyped role models
Social learning theory evaluation - Well supported by research - Does not explain why children in single parent households without a strong same sex role models have no problem developing gender - Does not explain why 2 children of the same sex, in the same household, with the same role models behave differently - Ignores biological differences
Gender stereotypes Believing that all males are similar and all females are similar
Gender schema The mental building block of knowledge that we have about each gender that we gather based on our experiences. This can change throughout life.
Martin aim To show that children's understanding of gender becomes less stereotyped thus more flexible as they get older
Martin Method Children heard stories about the toys that male and female characters enjoyed playing with. Some like gender-stereotyped toys, others didn't. Children were then asked to predict what other toys the characters would enjoy playing with.
Martin Results Younger children based their decisions solely on the sex of the character. Older children based their decision on the sex on the sex and the other toys they enjoyed playing with
Martin conclusion Older children have a more flexible view of gender than younger children.
Gender role Behaviour seen as masculine or feminine by a particular culture
Highly gender schematized Where gender is an important way of thinking about the world so information is organised in what is gender appropriate and what isn't
Gender schema theory explanation - Children become aware of what sex they are at age 2 - They then learn about gender from what they see and experience - Here, ideas are rigid and stereotyped - As they get older, they gain more knowledge, and their gender schemas become more flexible
Gender schema theory evaluation - Most detailed and thorough explanation of gender development - Intuitive appeal - Lots of evidence - Doesn't explain why more children are more highly gender schematized than others - Why gender begins to develop at age 2
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