Social Influence- Researchers and their research (AS)


Cue cards outlining who did what research into social influence, a very brief outline of the research, and when they did it. (AS)
Grace Fawcitt
Flashcards by Grace Fawcitt, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Fawcitt
Created by Grace Fawcitt over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Social Influence Topic 3
Normative and Informational Social Influence Deutsch and Gerard, 1955 Two main reasons people conform- the need to be liked, and the need to be right
Asch's Research Asch, 1951-55 Testing conformity. Showed participants lines and asked them to match A,B or C to line X. There was one naïve participant among confederates who gave the wrong answers.
Asch's Variations Asch, 1951-55 Changed the group size, unanimity and task difficulty to see how it affected conformity
The Stanford Prison Experiment Zimbardo, 1973 Assigned participants the role of guard or prisoner in a fake prison. Used to test conformity to social roles.
Milgram's Research Milgram, 1963 Study into obedience, included 'teacher' (participant) and 'learner' (confederate). The learner had to answer questions and when wrong, the teacher had to shock them (up to 450V)
Situational Variables Milgram, 1963 Created 3 variations for his experiment: Location, Uniform and Proximity.
Agentic State Milgram, 1960s-70s Agentic state= acting in place of an authority figure. Suggested binding factors help us ignore/minimise harmful effects of our behaviour in the agentic state.
Legitimacy of Authority Milgram, 1960s-70s Regards authority figures- can sometimes be destructive e.g. Hitler, Stalin, Trump
Authoritarian Personality Adorno, 1950 Created a questionnaire called the F-scale to work out if people were authoritarian (obedient to authority, contemptuous to inferior)
Locus of Control Rotter, 1966 External LOC- don't have control of life's events Internal LOC- do have control of life's events
Minority Influence Moscovici, 1969 Showed participants blue slides and asked them if they were green or blue. 2 confederates (minority) continuously said they were green.
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