MCAT Chemistry Study - Atomic Structure


third year university student, University of Toronto MCAT Prep Flashcards on MCAT Chemistry Study - Atomic Structure, created by toronto416 on 20/05/2014.
Flashcards by toronto416, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by toronto416 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Electronegativity A measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself. Incorporates the atom's ionization energy and electron affinity.
Pauli Exclusion Principle States that no two electrons in an atom or molecule can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
Isotope Atoms with the same number of protons (i.e. same atomic number) but a different number of neutrons.
Aufbau principle German for "building up", a systematic procedure for determining the electron configuration of any atom. Incorporates the Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund's Rule.
degenerate orbitals Orbitals with identical energies.
Ionization energy The energy it takes to remove an electron from an atom.
Octet rule The cardinal rule of bonding. The octet rule states that atoms gain stability when they have a full complement of 8 electrons in their valence shells.
Shell A group of subshells of similar energy levels. For example, 2s and 2p subshells occupy the same shell. Indicated by the principle quantum number.
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