Significant events


A timeline showing significant events from 1884 to 2005
Lauren Bailey
Flowchart by Lauren Bailey, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Bailey
Created by Lauren Bailey about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • 1884 - 85 the Berlin Conference
  • 4th June 1913  Emily Davison throws herself under the king's horse
  • Timeline of Significant Historical Events
  • August 1914 WW1 Begins
  • May 1916 Battle of Jutland
  • July 1916 Battle of the Somme
  • 1917 America enters  War
  • 1917 the Russian Revolution
  • 1918 World War 1 Ends
  • 1919 Amritsar Massacre
  • 1920 Gandhi wins control of Indian National Congress
  • 1935 Indian government gives civilians a role in governing the country
  • 1935 Hitler passes Nuremburg Law
  • November 1938 Kristallnacht
  • September 1939 Germany invades Poland
  • September 1939 Britain declares war on Germany
  • May 1940 Dunkirk
  • August 1940 Battle of Britain
  • September 1940 Blitz Starts
  • December 1941 Pearl Harbour
  • June 1942 Germany invades USSR
  • June 1944 D-Day
  • May 1945 Germany Surrenders
  • August 1945 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima + Nagsaki
  • 1947 India becomes Independant
  • 1957 Ghana is first Independant Black African Country
  • 1982 Falkland War
  • 9th November 1989 Berlin Wall is brought down
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