

Mind Map on Probabilidad, created by Mauricio CM on 18/08/2014.
Mauricio CM
Mind Map by Mauricio CM, updated more than 1 year ago
Mauricio CM
Created by Mauricio CM over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Basic Concepts
    1. Outcomes:
      1. Experiment Effects
      2. Sample espace
        1. Set of possible outcomes
        2. Event
          1. Subset of the sample space
          2. Experiments
            1. Random phenomenon
          3. Probability Formulas
            1. Empirical Probability Formulas
              1. Theorethical Probability Formulas
              2. Odds
                1. A # A of results are favorable to the event and the other (b) are unfavorable --> A to B or B to A
                2. Events Involving "or"
                  1. Addition rule of probability
                  2. Events involving "and"
                    1. Multiplication Rule of Probability
                      1. For Independent Events
                        1. For Any Two Events
                        2. Conditional Probability Formula
                          1. Annotations:

                            • Probability of B given that A has already happened
                        3. Set Operations
                          1. Complement
                            1. Union
                              1. Intersection
                                1. Differnce
                                2. Events involving "not"
                                  1. Probability of the complement
                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                  PROBABILIDAD CONDICIONAL
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