Text Analysis


Mind Map on Text Analysis, created by Jaime Enrique Ba5313 on 10/13/2014.
Jaime Enrique Ba5313
Mind Map by Jaime Enrique Ba5313, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaime Enrique Ba5313
Created by Jaime Enrique Ba5313 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Text Analysis
  1. Type of Text
    1. Argumentative


      • These text have hypothesis or viewpoint author' s opinion wich is problematic and needs to proven or validated as true( False). These texts provide controversy on a topic, and are full with supporting argunents such as explanations, descriptions, quotes, facts, theories, evidences, estatistics, analogies, exmaples, anecdotes, etc.
      1. Rhetorical Purposes. to persuit, to convince. to prove, to validate, to discern, to postulate
      2. Expositive


        • These text provide information without no other purpose than to inform  the reader . They might have options but they are no intented to be proven or defended by the author 
        1. Rhetorical Purposes. To describe, to explain, to inform, to show,to report
        2. Narrative


          • These texts are asociated with literary works suchs as a poetry, novels, short stories , etc.,and are not intended to be analyzed here in the course
          1. to amuse, to console and others
            1. Topic
              1. A topic is the subject of the text (or paragraph). It is expressed by a phrase ( a groups of words), and cannot be neither too specific nor too general
              2. General Idea
                1. The general idea of a text is a globalizing idea about the reading's main contents. Is the type of cosntruction S+V+C and is NOT USUALLY in the reading. For this reason, the reader might build according to the contents of the texts
                2. Main Idea
                  1. the main idea of a passage or reading is the central thought or message. in contrast to the term topic, wich refers to the subject under discussion, the term main idea refers
                  2. Rhetorical Purpose of the text
                    1. The (rhetorical) purpose or the text of (paragraph) is the author intention's when writting his/her text. This intention should be expressed with averb in the infinitive form (to criticize,to explain, to alert, to compare,etc.)
                    2. Tone
                      1. Context
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