PALAEOLITHIC (Palaeolitico)


Cuarto: Sociales: T1
Maika Lopez
Mind Map by Maika Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Maika Lopez
Created by Maika Lopez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

PALAEOLITHIC (Palaeolitico)
  1. FOOD (Comida)
    1. Gathered fruit and roots (Recolectan frutas y raices)
      1. Fished for fish (Pescan Peces)
        1. Hunted reindeer (Cazan renos)
        2. JOBS (Trabajos)
          1. Hunted (Cazadores)
            1. Gathered (Recolectar)
              1. Made tools from bone or stone (Fabrican herramientas de hueso y piedra)
              2. DISCOVERED (Descubririeron)
                1. Fire (fuego)
                2. LIVED (Vivieron)
                  1. Tribes (Tribus)
                    1. Nomads (Nomadas)
                      1. They moved on to live in a different place (Se mueven durante su vida a distintos lugares)
                      2. Cave (Cuevas)
                        1. Huts (Chozas)
                        2. The appearance of human beings (Cuando aparecen los seres humanos)
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