How to promote digital transformation in Colombian medium-sized enterprises?


How to promote digital transformation in Colombian medium-sized enterprises?
Hector Perez
Mind Map by Hector Perez, updated more than 1 year ago
Hector Perez
Created by Hector Perez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

How to promote digital transformation in Colombian medium-sized enterprises?
  1. By Héctor Pérez Enero 2020
    1. Cultural changes are the first to be adopted, this will allow greater adaptability.
      1. Training practices should be adopted
        1. There must be a process of acquiring software and new technologies
          1. Keep in mind that its implementation requires high costs
            1. but the results will eventually be reflected in higher productivity
            2. There will be a resistance to change
              1. It must be convinced that the apodción of new technologies requires great efforts and perseverance
                1. in order to acquire the necessary skills and abilities
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