The way people socialize before & during the pandemic


Presentation made by: Dylan Yosefath Perez Abarca
José Antonio Vanegas Guzman
Mind Map by José Antonio Vanegas Guzman, updated more than 1 year ago
José Antonio Vanegas Guzman
Created by José Antonio Vanegas Guzman over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The way people socialize before & during the pandemic
  1. Dylan Yosefath Perez Abarca.
    1. Greetings to people
      1. Going out to parties.
        1. Before
          1. After
            1. (This is the way I will show you my mind map, Left for "Before", Right for "After")
            2. Walking on the street or being outside
                1. Being with your boy/girlfriend
                    1. Talk to your friends or acquaintances.
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