Teaching Pronunciation


5 Aspects of connected speech
Maria Laborde
Mind Map by Maria Laborde, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria Laborde
Created by Maria Laborde over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Teaching Pronunciation
  1. Aspects of Connected Speech
    1. Universidad iexpro Master's Degree in English Teaching
      1. María del Carmen Laborde Aguirre
        1. References
          1. Hockly, N. Madrid, D. Teaching Pronuciation. IEXPRO Antology. Mexico, Chiapas. 2010
            1. https://www.eslbase.com/tefl-a-z/connected-speech
              1. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/rhythm
            2. Assimilation
              1. A phoneme is realised differently as a result of being near to some other phoneme.
                1. It takes place where ther is a final consonant and an initial consonant
                2. /t/, /p/
                  1. That person
                    1. [daep person]
                  2. /t/, /g/
                    1. Quite good
                      1. [kwaIk gud]
                    2. /s/ /ch/
                      1. This shoe
                        1. [dIsh shU:]
                      2. /n/ /m/
                        1. Green bottles
                          1. [gri:m botls]
                        2. a phoneme (sound) in one word causes a change in a sound in a neighbouring word
                        3. Elision
                          1. In some circumstances a phoneme may be realised as zero
                            1. Some words are pronounced with a silent consonant
                              1. doubt
                                1. [daut]
                                2. Scirpts
                                  1. [Scrips]
                                  2. potato
                                    1. [p'tato]
                                3. syllabic "n"
                                  1. tonight
                                    1. [t'naIt]
                                  2. the loss of a phoneme, most commonly the last phoneme of a word, and most commonly the /t/ and /d/ sounds
                                  3. Linking
                                    1. Juncture. The use of some phonemes to link words
                                      1. Sometimes /r/ may be silent
                                        1. Four = [fou]
                                          1. If the following word starts with a vowel, then /r/ must be pronounced
                                            1. four eagles = [four iglz]
                                        2. Rhythm
                                          1. English is a "stress-timed" language
                                            1. Spanish is a "syllable timed" language
                                              1. English is more rhythmical than other languages
                                              2. Some syllables are stressed
                                                1. Other Syllables are considered 'weak'
                                                  1. The 'foot' theory
                                                    1. The stressesin sentences tend to occur on the words that convey significant information.
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