The five kingdons


Este es un trabajo de ciensias naturales hecho por unai abdu daniele y samu
Mind Map by gerade999, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gerade999 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The five kingdons
  1. Animals
    1. Size
      1. Multicellular organism
      2. Type of cells
        1. Have a nucleus but no cell wall
        2. How they get food
          1. Heterotrophs
          2. Examples
            1. Mammals,fish,reptiles,insects
          3. Plants
            1. Size
              1. Multicellular organisms
              2. Type of cells
                1. Have a nucleus and cell wall
                2. How they get food
                  1. Autotrophs
                  2. Examples
                    1. Trees,flowers
                  3. Monera
                    1. Size
                      1. Unicellular organisms
                      2. Type of cells
                        1. No nucleus
                        2. How they get food
                          1. Autotrophs and heterotrophs
                          2. Example
                            1. Bacteria
                          3. Protoctits
                            1. Size
                              1. Unicellular and simple multicellural organisms
                              2. Type of cells
                                1. Have a nucleus
                                2. How they get food
                                  1. Autotrophs and heterotrophs
                                  2. Examples
                                    1. Algae,amoebas
                                  3. Fungi
                                    1. Size
                                      1. Multicellular organisms
                                      2. Type of cells
                                        1. Heterotrophs they feed on dead organisms
                                        2. How they get food
                                          1. Have a nucleus and cells wall
                                          2. Examples
                                            1. Fungi,yeast,moonshrooms,mould
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