what is the importance of the ciclovias?


Mind Map on what is the importance of the ciclovias?, created by camila cami on 16/09/2017.
camila cami
Mind Map by camila cami, updated more than 1 year ago
camila cami
Created by camila cami over 6 years ago

Resource summary

what is the importance of the ciclovias?
  1. awareness campaing of the benefits of using a bike path in order to justify the investiment
      1. Do not pollute the evironment
        1. In addition to means of locomotion, is in physical activity for its users.
        2. depending on the location, the costof tracks can be elevated due to road works other intervitionsof adequacy of bus stops; The burial of electrical and network wiring services.
          1. The number of users of the system do not justify the investiment
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