Germany 1919-1945_1


Mind Map on Germany 1919-1945_1, created by MR Joe Darbyshire on 24/06/2013.
MR Joe Darbyshire
Mind Map by MR Joe Darbyshire, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
paul  giannini
Created by paul giannini about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago
MR Joe Darbyshire
Copied by MR Joe Darbyshire about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Germany 1919-1945_1
  1. The Weimar Republic
    1. 1919-23
      1. 1923
        1. The flood of paper money into the economy and the strike which meant no one was working in the factories so there was more money but few goods to buy add this to the weak economy ruined due to the war, all resulted in hyperinflation. A loaf of bread, which cost 250 marks in January 1923 had risen to 200,000 million marks in November 1923. German's currency became worthless.
          1. Hyper inlation
        2. The Streseman Years
          1. The Rise of Hitler
          2. Attachments:

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