Media and terrorism


Media and terrorism Mind Map on Media and terrorism, created by Beth b on 01/10/2013.
Beth  b
Mind Map by Beth b, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth  b
Created by Beth b almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Media and terrorism
  1. Framing of war
    1. Control Room
      1. Josh Rushing, Author of Mission Al-gezera
      2. Freedom of the press (censorship)
      3. Communication On the internet
        1. Helps people communicate globally
          1. Double edged sword
            1. Abdulla (2007)
              1. Examined 3 Arab discussion boards after 9/11
                1. Arab
                  1. Members of an ethnic group of people who live in north africa and the arabian peninsula
                    1. Muslim
                      1. Those who choose Islam as their religion
                    2. 43% of messages condemned attacks
                      1. "pure criminal act of terrorism"
                        1. 30% saw some justification behind attacks
              2. Terrorist Communication
                1. Internet
                  1. Barriers for propoganda
                    1. Pre-internet recruitment
                      1. Functional barriers are elimanted
                        1. Post-internet recruitment
                        2. Audiances
                          1. Who is the intended audiance
                          2. Message framing
                            1. Displacement of repsonsibility
                              1. Diffusion of repsponsibity
                                1. Dehumanization of targets
                                  1. Euphemistic laungauge
                                    1. Advantages comparison
                                    2. Media as gate keepers
                                      1. Decide what information gets reported
                                        1. Have to choose between lots of stories
                                          1. Recent terrorists attacks
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