Gender and Sex


Mind Map on Gender and Sex, created by rose.jacobj on 05/11/2013.
Mind Map by rose.jacobj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rose.jacobj over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Gender and Sex
  1. Michel Foucault's Views
    1. Based on post-structuralism


      • Take everything we thought we learned in the enlightenment and promptly throw it out the window... Deconstruct what we once held to be true- and question its origins: Why did we ever believe that? Explain culture through a bridging medium between concrete reality and abstract ideals.This is a very generalized explanation of what Foucault did in his works.
      1. The idea of power-knowledge


        • Whoever controls the knowledge controls the morality of the "elemental truth."Power is not a structural concept- it is diffused among everything in we do. It is constantly fluctuating and negotiating. It isn't controlled by anyone- but rather controls everyone. Power does not come from jurisdiction- (an example to tie it up) the only reason that the King had perceived power was because the people believed that his role was necessary to maintain law and order. Once the change created by discourse changed the morality, the perceived power of royalty was taken away.
        1. Ancient Greek Societal Views
          1. Focus on self-mastery
            1. A master of one's own domain (sexuality)
            2. Non-reliant on the hegemony's influence
            3. Repressive Hypothesis
              1. Sexuality was repressed in the 17th-20th century
                1. We are revolutionaries talking about sex
                2. 18th and 19th century people became more tied to their sexuality
                  1. Proliferation of discourse generated by...
                    1. Discoveries in biology
                      1. Nomenclature of genitals
                      2. An increased interest in going against the nuclear family model
                        1. Masturbating child: against the innocence
                          1. Hysterical (new) woman
                            1. Malthusian (economical) couple
                              1. Perverse adult (queer)
                              2. Sexual discourse outlets: psychiatrists and prostitutes
                          2. Define discourse of talking, and doing with focus on how they're doing it, where they're doing it, and in reaction to what
                        2. How a Gender Scholar Would Approach Literature
                          1. The Old Man and the Sea
                            1. La Mar vs. El Mar
                            2. Lysistrata
                              1. Objectifying women as objects
                                1. A self-mastery which allows her to control men
                              2. Dubious Background Sets the Stage
                                1. Drugs and Sex
                                  1. Extremely educated
                                2. Clash with Judith Butler
                                  1. Butler criticizes Foucault of excluding lesbians


                                    • Foucault is accused of failing to mention the female struggle; however, Foucault explicitly acknowledges that oftentimes the greatest amount discourse- and in turn power-knowledge and a change in perceived truth- when neglecting a group... In not recognizing them- more opinions are changed, more people believe it is discrimination, and more people's sense of right and wrong changes. -The failure to define sodomy created more potential for the authorities to abuse the punishment of sodomy. -"Don't ask don't tell" policy is a prime example of positive influence.
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