Internal Organization of the cell


Mind Map on Internal Organization of the cell, created by LCM on 04/09/2015.
Mind Map by LCM, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Cesar Corona Flores
Created by Cesar Corona Flores about 9 years ago
Copied by LCM about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Internal Organization of the cell
  1. Membrane Structure
    1. Plasma membrane
      1. Encloses cell, defines its boundaries and maintains the essencial differences between cytosol and extracellular environment
        1. Eucaryotic cells, membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, membrane-enclosed
          1. 4 phospholipids
            1. phosphatidylcholine
              1. phosphatidylethanolamine
                1. phosphatidylserine
                  1. Translocation in apoptotic cell by two mechanism
                    1. The phospholipid translocator is inactivated
                      1. Scramblase that transfer phospholipids in both directions is activared
                    2. sphingomyelin
                2. Ion gradients
                  1. Across membrane, activities of membrane proteins, synthesize ATP, movement of selected solute,produce electrical signals
                  2. thin film of lipid and protein molecules held by noncovalent interactions
                    1. Lipid Bilayer
                      1. Fluid structure, impermeable barrier to water-solube molecules
                        1. Lipid Molecules
                          1. Amphipathics that have hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end
                            1. Phospholipids
                              1. Have a polar head group and two hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails
                                1. phospholipases
                                  1. activated by extracellular signals to cleave phospholipid
                              2. depends on composition and temperature
                                1. Cholesterol
                                  1. enhance the permeability-barrier
                                  2. glycolipids
                                2. Liposomes
                                  1. spherical vesicles
                                  2. Black Membrane
                                    1. Planar billayers
                                    2. Phospholipid translocators
                                      1. Membrane-bound enzymes, catalyze the rapid flip-flop of phospholipids
                                  3. PARTE DE MATIAS
                                    1. PARTE DE CÉSAR
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