
Mind Map on Untitled, created by superstar20211 on 08/11/2015.
Mind Map by superstar20211, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by superstar20211 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Policies in action.
  1. Legislations (statutory law)
    1. Legislations are a result of a achieved policy, this has then become a law where all citizens of the UK have to follow
      1. Children's Act 2004
        1. Health & Safety Act at Work 1974
          1. Disability Discrimination Act 1995
          2. Policies
            1. Stages of policy development
              1. There are many key stages of this development which involve consultation and identifying the possible procedures needed to proceed with this policy
              2. Outlines what the government is going to put place to make the society a better place for the public
                1. The young offenders policy is set out to ensure they still get the right treatment inconsideration of their age
                  1. Child tax reductions so its easier for local authorities & schools are more focused on children's unauthorised absence
                  2. Ideology
                    1. This consists of values, beliefs and ideas that mould the choices you make
                      1. Ideology does link with policies. Policies are set inconsideration of the publics set of ideologies.
                        1. Social Policy
                          1. Always improving on human welfare
                        2. Social Policy
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